Chapter 6 Potion and Guild

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Feeling the air had taken on a color, Brita sniffed several times like a dog. The faint green component of the smell was probably not her imagination. It was some chemical or mashed plant. That told her she was nearing the block she was aiming for.

Brita followed the road and reached the block where the smell was even stronger

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Brita followed the road and reached the block where the smell was even stronger. Looking both ways, she stopped before the largest house on it. The other houses in the area were constructed with a store in the front and a workshop in back, while this one was more like workshop, workshop, workshop. Reading the letters on the wooden plate hanging from the door and the sign out front confirmed she was in the right place. 

She pushed open the door. The bell attached to the top of it jangled soundly she jumped. Inside seemed like a sitting room where discussions with customers could take place. Two sofas faced each other in the center of the room, and along the walls were shelves lined with things that appeared to be documents. There was a houseplant in the corner.

The moment Brita stepped inside; a voice called out to her. 

Nfirea: "Hello there!"

A man's voice. No, it was too young sounding.

When she looked over, there was a boy standing in the back of the room wearing a beat-up work apron, which seemed likely to give off a pungent odor, judging from all the mashed plant material sticking to it. His long blond hair hid half of his face, so she couldn't tell how old he was, but judging from his height and voice, he was probably in the middle of a growth spurt.

 His long blond hair hid half of his face, so she couldn't tell how old he was, but judging from his height and voice, he was probably in the middle of a growth spurt

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Brita had an idea who he might be. Yes, his grandmother was renowned, but this boy could also be counted among E-Rantel's celebrities due to his talent.

Brita: "...Nfirea Baleare?"

Nfirea: "Yes, that's me. What can I do for you today?"

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