Chapter-7 Party And Introduction

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As we heard the voice, we all look behind and spotted a group of 4 people seems to be a party. They were having silver plates gleaming in light.

YN: 'But I finally had things going in my way,'

Momonga: "Is the job... worthwhile?"

Man: "Well, hmm, I think it'll be what you make of it."

A man who seemed like a leader of the group replied. He was warrior type wearing banded mail, a type of armor where thin bands of metal covered layers of chain mail and leather.

YN: 'Should we go with this guy on his job? Of course, I can decide after I hear what it is, but I'm not sure if the receptionist will pick a job for us next time. But if we take his job, I can network a bit and maybe even get some info.'

My indecision lasted several seconds. I look at my comrades... And I think everybody left the decision to me. Then I slowly nodded.

YN: "That's exactly the kind of job we're looking for. Allow me to join you. But can you tell us what kind of job it is?"

At this reply men had the receptionist prepare us a room. It was basically a conference room. The four men seated themselves on the far side.

Man: "Okay, have a seat right there, please."

We did as we were told. I sat on the chair, my right Velzard, my left Momonga and Momonga's right Narberal all sat silently. 

The men were young--- none of them seemed more than twenty---- but they didn't look green. They seemed more composed than one would expect of people their age. They were relaxed, but they had sat down with space between them so they could take up arms at a moment's notice. They'd done so unconsciously, so it must have been a habit that stuck with them from many life-or-death battles.

The warrior type man from before speaking up as their representative. He had the typical blond-haired, blue-eyed look of kingdom people, and although there was nothing about his features that made him stand out, he was still handsome.

Peter: "Okay, before talk business, let's introduce ourselves. Nice to meet you. I'm the leader of the Sword of Darkness, Peter Mauk. Over there is the eyes and ears of our team, ranger Lukrut Volve."

 A blond man in leather armor bobbed his head

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 A blond man in leather armor bobbed his head. There was a jokey tenderness in his brown eyes. Overall, he was slim with especially long arms and legs, almost bringing to mind a spider. It was clear, however, that his thin frame was the result of trimming away any excess.

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