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I walk into a village that once was my home. People looked over me not recognizing me and showing a welcoming facade I knew was faker than the kindness they showed. I looked around at my hometown. Where I was born and raised till I turned 12 and nearly burned at the stake while they laughed and said I deserved it. I smiled faking it at them as I was escorted to the town hall for a feast.

"So Alice. What is a warrior like you doing in our tiny village?" My mother asked me. Not even she could recognize me.

"You'll see soon enough," I told her. We walked by and I recognized everyone older than 6 years old. The houses looked better than when I had left. Properly fresh paint.

"The city is very well maintained," I told the Mayor who walked beside me.

"Yes it is after we got rid of a curse fortune fell upon our city that has made it quite prosperous," He said. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"A curse?" I asked. He nodded.

"We had a devil child in our small village. When we got rid of her our city became prosperous," He said. So that is how they looked at me. I guess I should be hurt but I will get what I want soon I will show them what a devil child is capable of. I will show them all. I felt rage angry but I didn't show it. I couldn't If I wanted this to work

"How did you know that it was a devil child?" I asked point blank.

"Everyone hated her by instinct. Dread surrounded her like an aura and polluted the air. She was also born with a black saint's mark. that could only mean she would be a devil," The major said. I took off a glove showing the mark he talked about.

"So like this?" I asked pointing at it he jumped and scooted away staring in horror at the mark he barely recognized.

"If yes then this entire village will be executed for killing a high saint as the marks are made from pure magic. We are known as the saintresses of the night and are held at the highest account even overhead bishops," I said loud and clear. Everyone heard me as they stared at my uncovered hand. None recognize the mark to be the same as the child they think they killed.

"You will all be trialed and burned for doing the devil's work because only a devil will want to kill a saint," I yelled placing a hand above my mark and pulling out a sword.

"I earned my reputation but killing a high demon is something only the saints and saintresses of the night are capable of if you killed one then the blood of millions is on your hands," I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"She did not have a mark like yours," The mayor lied. I could tell he lied even if I hadn't known. He was a bad liar no doubt.

"I will send men to investigate," I told him without hesitation.

"Admit it now and you can be saved from hell if you atone for your sins," I told him.

"The girl was my daughter her mark was not like yours," My mother said. The only woman who should be able to tell that I was her kid with no problems. She is not a mother she is just a woman.

"Very well," We had made it to the town hall everyone followed behind me as I entered the wooden structure of the city hall. The entire village was in there holding a feast in my honor. As we got in I sat at the very end of the table looking over everyone, every man who beat me, every woman who insulted and kicked me like I was a rat infesting their pantry, every child that used to bully me even the few who stole away my innocents.

"Is everyone here?" I asked loudly the mayor nodded and I smiled. I held out my hand clenching it to a fist. The door was shut and the building was surrounded by a protective barrier. No one could enter and no one could leave. People were amazed by the magic so much so that they didn't notice that they were trapped especially since I made a small magic show for them showing my power. I sat at the end taking off my jacket. Some Gasped seeing the burn scars on my arms but I didn't mind just proudly showing them.

"Got them while fighting the demon. A healer made them look pretty, but it's not perfect," I lied. They believed it after all everyone had heard my tale. A girl unknown by everyone but sprung into action to save the capital when it was being attacked by a demon from the deepest pit of hell. They knew I had fought and they believed it yet they were uneasy some stating to see the resemblance between the child they thought they had killed and me. However, there was one key difference I was an acknowledged saintess of the night allowing me to deceive the demon into thinking I was on his side. It let me get close and murder him. He truly believed I was a saint of the devil like my village had and rewarded me for false loyalty. A loyalty that let me get close enough to kill him. Oh well. Today one of the rewards will be utilized. Immunity to fire. I find it ironic that I was burned at the stake as a child and a demon made me immune. I snapped my fingers lighting every candle in the room. It was a neat trick and I kept up the facade as everyone ate. I only took modest bites indulging in small talk no one tried to leave not like they could, even if they wanted. Soon the candles were burned out, but the flames didn't stop. The candleholders kept on burning eventually the tables caught fire ending the happy peals of laughter singing and dancing and filling the room with the screams of sinners. I smiled softly as I stood in the middle of the flames. People begging me to put out the flames.

"You Burned a night saint at the stake when she no I was 12 years old. I have the king's permission to get my revenge. Let this be a lesson to never be forgotten. A child shunned by the village will burn down to feel its warmth and this is the greatest warmth I've ever experienced," I said looking at the burning ceiling as people screamed getting burned in the flames. Their screams were like sounds of running water watching the flames around me engulf my clothing and the city hall was like a scenery blue sky a lake with prosperous cornfields on eighter side. A few farmhouses and people walking with animals. It held the same beauty. I smiled looking around.

"May your sins be burned away," I told the corpses still burning but void of life. The doors had been broken down but my magic killed anyone who tried to flee. No one of them survived. I smiled as I walked through the dying flames. None of them would be forgotten though. As long as I lived I would remember each and every one of them their kids and their parents. I looked around tears streaming down my face as a smile sat on my lips. I felt dirty but relieved. It was over. I had gotten my revenge and made sure no one would end up like me. I walked by the burned skeletons feeling the breeze gently caressing my naked body as I walked to my old home. My mother used to have this lovely dress that I always adored. I found it in a chest and it was like I remembered it. A subtle green with a low neck cut and small embroideries. Exactly like I remembered it. I put it on and left my hometown once and for all.

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