"I choose my own family,"

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She stood in the middle of a room. The room held a stage in the middle of which she stood. Surrounding her were bloody red chairs a lot of them. All of them faced her making it evident that her stage was for performing. She swirled softly holding an odd-looking instrument as she spun on the platform dancing softly to the music she produced. The soundwaves were soft like a gentle breeze after a summer rain and never echoed back at her despite hitting the wall. The walls of the room were circular around her with 8 entrances. Along the wall were black marble pillars all decorated with paintings and curtains. Every wall between that didn't hold a door was decorated with fabric in an attempt to prevent echoing all the while the stage on which she stood was lower than the very entrances of the room. She was a rather short woman. Her skin was dry and cracked yet she was so thin that one could see the individual bone in her hands even from afar. She wore a white dress. It had a big tulle skirt that popped up and went to her knees. It had no sleeves but a key hold neckline and a scarf that went around her neck. She smiled as she twirled again feeling the soft fabric bounce and flow. Her shoes were wooden-heeled and made loud taping sounds when she moved. It created the rhythm while she played.

"Miss Ida," A voice broke through the room. The girl stopped and turned to the man dressed in a servant's suit.

"What is it, Jake?" She asked softly. Her voice sounded strong and elegant as she turned her entire attention to the male.

"You have visitors from the covens," The man said.

"Let them in," The girl said smiling softly as she let go of the instrument seemingly disappearing into the air with specks of light. She looked out at the door seeing 20 people entered the room surrounding her. She looked around recognizing a great deal of the faces some she recognized others she didn't and then the face of a man who she hated.

"Jake be a darling and clear my schedule," She said. Jake nodded and left soon after all the doors locked and the lighting went out. The people turned on lanterns illuminating the room.

"Sweets. I just want to speak with you," The man said.

"Speak? Do you think we can talk about what happened? To all the Coven guards here who don't know. Jonathan my father beat me and raped me claiming it to be training for my career as a prostitute I mean musician," She said exaggerating her voice and adding a very over-dramatic tone to the whole thing. The man Jonathon sighed. It was his biggest regret and the very thing that he let them to this very moment

"It was long ago and quite frankly you faked your death afterward," He said. She just laughed as the show woman she was.

"Faked my death?" She removed the scarf from around her neck showing rope burns and cut flesh that seemed to be from barbed wire. 

"I died alright," She smiled looking at Jonathan. The two looked alike but that was to be expected by a father and his daughter. Everyone's eyes grew big.

"And you stole Grimore," Jonathan accused. A dark chuckle went through the room as a cow skull formed on Ida's shoulders and manifested.

"If anything I stole her. Denying her the sweet release of death while she was hurting because of you. Sadly I'm the reason for the cuts that will never heal," The skull said its voice dark and powerful.

"I don't blame him though. When your only friend commits suicide people tend to make dumb decisions," She teased only to feel a gentle pat on her head she laughed at that. She felt her hair being tugged behind her ear.

"Euriel. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't regret what I did but We need your help," Jonathan said. She just looked at him.

"Jonathan? Wow just wow you truly are pathetic," Ida laughed. Jonathan grew agitated.

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