Buttyfly Insectorum

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"Butterfly, What on earth are you doing?" Her father asked. It wasn't like She could blame him as she held a knife to her mother's throat. Both of the women were crying. Her cheek was red and bruising, slowly turning blue.

"The most warmth I've ever gotten from this family is the warmth her body expels right now," She answered pressing the blade to her mother's neck. Her siblings and father looked at her like a wild animal.

"What are you talking about?" Her elder brother asked

"This is the first time any of you have even looked at me in years," Her voice said shaking as she smiled tears streaming down faster than the tears of her mother. They stared.

"Look behind you my trophy cabinet it's filled with proof of what I've done to be seen or even spoken to by this rotten family but it took me putting a knife to Ms. Insectorum's throat to even get a word from any of you," She said. Her younger sister got mad at her.

"Oh shut up. Are you mad that we don't pay attention to you?" She asked pissed.

"Moth calm down," Her father scolded.

"WHY SHOULD I? SHE IS JUST MAD SHE CAN'T TURN," Moth yelled. She started laughing.

"Oh, Moth. I can turn as a matter of fact I've always been able to turn. just not into a silly little insect like the rest of you,"

"Butterfly Please don't," Her mother pulled. She however pressed the knife against the flesh drawing blood.

"Wrong name and you know it," She told the woman. The Insectorum family stared at her in absolute horror. Her father looked down in shame.

"Father, what on earth is she talking about?" The youngest boy asked.

"Swallow. We should have never made you hide the truth," Her Father said. Her siblings turned to her in horror some taking a step away from her as the truth was revealed.

"You are right you shouldn't," She said. Dropping her mother and walking forward towards them.

"But you did. You feared the loss of your reputation you fear the repercussions of having a bird as A DAUGTHER," She yelled allowing her feathers to puff out and show the start of a transformation. She didn't go any farther than that. All of them took a step back terrified.

"I've always been everything the rest of you are not. I've always done my best to be the best I could be so I would be accepted but what did that get me? Loneliness, Despair, and Hatred. I want to feel the hurt I have endured at your hands," She stopped her transformation Looking up at the trophies. They infuriated her. She turned to a swarm of Swallows and landed on top of the cabinet turning back to herself.

"Look at this How hard I worked to be accepted by you," Her voice filled with poison. Looking down she only grew angrier. So she walked to the edge and pushed against the wall tipping the cabinet and herself only she turned to a swarm once again and Landed in front of her father.

"I tried everything to be accepted by you to be seen and what did that get me? Pain," She Growled. He seemed genuinely remorseful.

"I'm sorry swallow," He admitted. Turning away from him she walked towards the door of the room tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"Where are you going?" Her mother called out crying as much as she did. She turned back looking at her smirking while crying.

"I have a surprise for you," She said and took a newspaper from her sleeve. She threw it at their feet.

"No," Her sister gasped looking down.

'Butterfly Insectorum found dead hanging from a branch in Queens Park. Two notes reveal the dark secrets of the Insectorum Familly.' That was the glaring headline.

"What have you done?" Mr. Insectorum asked. She didn't pay him any mind.

"You are so worried by your little reputation that I destroyed it. Don't worry. I'm not stopping here. How does it feel to have your family name stained like this? I would dare say this is a bigger stain than having a bird in your family," She said looking at them with such hatred. A kind they didn't know was possible.

"How could you do this to us your family?" Moth asked. She laughed.

"My family? I never had a family only housemates who hated me. I am reclaiming all that I've lost, you understand that this is the price for your apathy," She said calmly turning away from them.

"I am only sorry for killing that girl. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time and with the wrong name but don't worry. Take her as your daughter instead. I'm no longer an Insectorum eighter way,"

"What on earth are you talking about?" Ms. Insectorum called out. Desperation was almost heard in her voice.

"My name is SWALLOW INSECTIVORE," With that she left them.

a year later She looked at the newspapers and smirked to herself.

The Insectorum family found dead

Tuesday night at roughly 8:15 the Insectorum family was found dead in their home by their maid. Police are unsure of the cause of death. Still, all signs point towards a family suicide following the many tragedies that befell the family after the death of their daughter Butterfly Insectorum...

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