Devil's dance.

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"Father, what is this?" She asked flabbergasted at the shoes her father had given her.

"Since you refuse to learn how to fight with a weapon I made a weapon that will form itself after you," He said walking over to his daughter. She looked down at the steal point shoes. The tip was at a pinpoint and along the soles of her feet was what appeared to be a blade.

"Since you refused to fight traditionally it's better to give you a weapon that can fit your silly little hobby than force you to do something against your will. Try them on Felicia," his father ordered. She didn't hesitate to up on the pointed shoes and well they were a perfect fit. the shoes had chains that would wrap around her legs tightly and she tied them up to her belt while wrapping them around her legs. Her father smiled.

"I have no idea how to fight with them but you get one week to learn how to defend yourself if you can't. You will be learning how to wield a sword," he said looking at his daughter. She just looked down as she had to try and keep her balance on the pointed toes.

"Why is it so important for you that I can fight? Father, I am a woman the Lord's book says that it is my brothers' and husband's duty to protect me," She said her hands clasping together as they hung in front of her.

"Fei. You are a good daughter but so was your older sister Melissa. Her husband was a coward and pushed her forward to protect himself. I am teaching you how to fight so if history were to repeat you can protect yourself," He said and turned away. Back then She didn't realize it but that gift was a curse her father gave her. She never learned to fight instead she danced a deadly ballet that killed anyone who got too close. Her body was pretty and petite, delicate even, but her steps from then on left a bloody trail. A war was being waged and the governing bodies took in all men of a certain age. Her brothers mentioned her fighting style and she was in return drafted. A girl of high status, a good upbringing, and a fighting style so distinct that dodging or fighting back was based solely on the victim's own skill. Fei her name was known as the devil's entertainer. As she came to a ballroom no one could tell it was her. mastering disguises to hide her face and weapon the only thing giving away her identity is the unmistakable sound of metal against ceramic flooring. The taps not being audible until she wished to show herself nor were her true form. Walking into the halls of wet another ballroom the rubber holsters of her shoes hid the sound of death. Her dress is long and puffy, as is the latest fashion. Her target burned into her mind and her face altered with clay and makeup. She walked in her blue dress flowing gracefully as her companion led her on as gracefully as she moved. They greeted the hostess and went to wait for their first dance. This was a ball after all. They had to fit in. At the first dance, they joined the few who dared to start their dance. She danced the best as always. She caught the eyes of a few some of who was personal targets others were a target of her employer thought less important than the main catch. She converced blending in perfectly. She was raised this way in this social class and therefore belonged there. It was just a shame she had to kill. Her company pointed out her target and while she had a rough idea of who she was almost saddened when she saw his face.

"Cold feet?" Her company teased.

"No. he is just so handsome it's a waste," She replied calmly her voice almost saddened. Her company stared at her flabbergasted as another man invited her to a dance. She took his hand being guided to the dancefloor as she danced the night away switching partners until she came to her target. A man whose appearance attracted her. She looked at him as he spun her to a dance and the rubber holsters of her pointshoes fell off. Her fist step thereafter alerted everyone as she pulled the ribbon that held up her skirt and with one swift kick, her target was dead his chest sliced open. Even his ribcage got crushed by the strength of her kick her leg rested against her chest as she stood up in a split. His blood splashed as his corpse fell back against the ground her gaze empty as she looked at him. Blood dripped down from her chine no one moving until she lowered her leg. Screams ran out as many men pulled out their guns and just as many pulled the women out of the room. She turned to them.

"I'm sorry for the mess I've created but an order is an order," Her voice said as her devil's dance began at the first gunshot. The men fell as flies staning the floor red and she left the Chaos calmly with her companion by her side before the police force could even arrive. Her devil's dance had claimed many and it would claim more.

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