chapter 1

825 12 5

rimuru:this should be enough now let's meet veldora again

then rimuru went to where veldora is sealed

rimuru:[actually what day am I at?]

ceil:[answer the same day you reincarnated]

rimuru:[right no let's go meet veldora]

veldora pov:

KUAHAHAHAHAHA it i the allmighty storm dragon veldora! right now I can't do anything becouse that dumb hero sealed me in here just becouse I accidentally burned down a city and turned it into Ashe's then-wait I feel a true dragon core! please don't be one of my elder sister thought as I started sweating and then a human with a blue hear I don't recognise them but I can feel a true dragon core inside them then they said

???:hello there veldora nice to finally meet you I'm Rimuru tempest

rimuru pov:

when I walk to veldora he looks nervous and he's sweating a lot then I said

rimuru:hello there veldora nice to finally meet you I'm Rimuru tempest

he then said

veldora:KUAHAHAHAHAHA a human knows me the allmighty and powerful storm dragon veldora?

rimuru:then if you're so powerful why are you sealed then?

then I smirk and then he stopped

veldora:well you see I was fighting a unnamed hero who sealed me here but if I was fighting seriously I would have won! Kuahahahahaha

he's seriously really weird but then again he is going to be my sworn brother so I need to spar with him to make him evolve his unique skill I mean ceil can do it but I want him to do it

veldora:now then human who really are you I sense a true dragon core on you now I must know

rimuru mind:shit did I seriously forgot about that![ceil what do I say?!]

ceil:[answer you can tell him you're his little brother and the fifth true dragon known as the void dragon]

rimuru:[ahhh~ thank you ceil]

rimuru:I'm your little brother and the fifth true dragon the void dragon!

honestly he look so surprised

veldora:Kuahahahahaha! I didn't expect my little brother to show up in this cave

even though I said I'm his little brother I didn't technically lied I did evolve into a true dragon

rimuru: veldora I can get you out of here in two conditions

veldora:Kuahahahahaha! and what that might be anything to get me out

rimuru: first you have to share the same last name as me-

before I can finish he immediately accept it

rimuru:ok then second is you have to stay in my imaginary place about a year

veldora: alright and what is this "imaginary place"?

rimuru:the imaginary place is my personal dimension and I will also give you some manga

veldora:Kuahahaha how can a some mere books can entertain me? The storm dragon-

rimuru: shut up and try this

then rimuru gave veldora a chapter 1 of dragon Ball z manga

then I can tell that he immediately enjoyed it

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