chapter 2

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meanwhile in the ice continent where velzard and guy is drinking tea then they stop when they feel a strong aura on Jura forest an aura that's stronger than their own then it suddenly vanish in almost the exact same time making them wonder if they just imagined it

guy:did you feel that velzard?

velzard:yes it's similar to veldora's aura but we can't feel his aura all the way here, at least not without actively looking for it

guy:to be honest I felt something similar,how about now can you feel veldora?

velzard:no I can't but that wasn't veldora's aura,even it's similar did something happened to veldora? who's would be able to attack a true dragon even weak as veldora?

guy: should we investigate it? whatever it was it's was strong, strong enough to possibly rival us

velzard: yes but we shouldn't go there ourselves,we should be more discreet for now,you battlemaniac

guy then chuckles

guy: right for now let's hope there not a treat

then guy continue drinking his tea so as velzard

velzard mind:I can feel a true dragon core but who is it? Could it be that after veldora disappeared a new sibling is born? Let me just hope you're not like veldora

back to rimuru


ceil:[master are you getting sick]

rimuru:[no I just feel like someone is talking about me]

then rimuru encountered a bunch of goblins

goblin(rigur):s-strong one do you have any business here?

rimuru:no I'm just taking a walk

goblin(rigur): please help us!

rimuru:sure lead me to your elder so we can discuss the problem


goblin(rigurd): welcome to our humble town.We are so honoured to have you here.I am the elder of this village

rimuru:so what do you guys need help with?

goblin(rigurd):the dire wolves has been attacking our village we tried to fight them off ourselves but we simply lack in numbers

rimuru:I see so what do I get in return? becouse nothing is fee you know

goblin(rigurd):w-we will offer our loyalty lord?

rimuru:Rimuru, rimuru tempest and Very well then is there anybody injured?


then they heard a howl

rimuru mind:huh there here

while the goblins the where panicking rimuru calmed them down and healed all of the goblins that where injured

rimuru:[hey ceil is there a way to defeat the dire wolves without killing rangas dad?]

ceil:[answer you can just scare them or you can injure them enough that they surrender to you]

rimuru:[actually why didn't I thought of that thanks ceil!]

ceil:[your welcome master]

after that rimuru told the goblins what to do before the dire wolves come then

direwolf(rangas dad):Hahaha tonight we Will feast on the flesh of goblinsand and drink their blood, without the protection of the storm dragon they can no longer protect themselves,the direwolves will rule this forest!

rimuru:stop right there!this village is under my protection,I won't let you do anything to it

direwolf(rangas dad):Hahaha a mere human dares stand in our way?!I will also add you to our meal human!

rimuru:meal you say? I don't think so

then rimuru took out the Onjuuken Suzune

goblin(rigurd):l-lord rimuru what are you going to do?

rimuru:trust me on this

then he took out the Hanselnuts to Gretel wonder ride book

wonder ride book:Hanselnuts to Gretel!

then he opened it and it said

wonder ride book:Juuken Gekidan! Ken de ikuze! No! No! Juu de go! Go! Bang! Bang! Onjuuken Suzune! Suzune Gakushou! Amai miwaku no juuken ga, okashina rhythm de beat wo kiri kizamu!

then put I on where the wonder ride book is supposed to put then it played a disco like song and the giant version of the wonder ride book drop out of the sky landing behind him

rimuru mind:phew good that it didn't land on them now then

rimuru: henshin

then he pressed the button that will become the trigger of the gun when it's in his gun form and the giant wonder ride book opened to reveal an arm and transformed into kamen rider slash

Hanselnuts to Gretel! Juuken Gekidan! Ju de go! Go! Ina! Ken de ikuzo! Onjuuken Suzune! Suzune Gakushou! Amai miwaku no juuken ga, okashina rhythm de beat wo kiri kizamu!

Hanselnuts to Gretel! Juuken Gekidan! Ju de go! Go! Ina! Ken de ikuzo! Onjuuken Suzune! Suzune Gakushou! Amai miwaku no juuken ga, okashina rhythm de beat wo kiri kizamu!

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then the direwolves and goblins where shock to see rimuru transformed

goblin(rigurd):l-lord rimuru is that you?

slash: don't worry about it I'm fine anyways so direwolves would you rather die or submit?

then they immediately bowed

direwolves:w-we swear our pack loyalty to you!


slash:[hey ceil what's going on?!]

ceil:[master it's quite obvious what's happening your transformation scared them]

rimuru:[b-but what's so scary about this form?!]

later he named all of them and paired them all up and then he decided to go to dwargon

rimuru mind: at least I was able to saved ranga dad who is now named raiga but now I think about it should I be worried about how I look?

to be continued

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