chapter 4

305 7 15

rimuru pov:

after we got back from dwargon I'm still shock from what that dark elf showed me like seriously I swear it was only shizu! now it's them and who even those two are?! or four if you count the two little girls which I hope don't count-

ceil:[master you have been like this ever since that elf showed you your destend one's]

rimuru:[don't get the wrong idea but I'm a bit worried what even happened?]

ceil:[I ask my lord on what happened he simply told me that he changed a few things and "made your wish come true"]

rimuru mind:made my wish come true??? Wait! don't tell me!


satoru:if I'm reborn I'll be a lot aggressive. I'll screw every girl I see.

flashback end

rimuru mind:so that's why...I swear I was just joking I haven't even able to do it anyone in the previous timeline!

voice:(is that so?)

the rimuru heard a voice and look around and saw no one

rimuru mind:am I going crazy?

voice:(no your not you moron I'm using thought communication to talk to you)

rimuru:(o-oh so who is this then?)

voice:(I'm name is silver also known as the one who gave you the seiken's)

rimuru:(anyways what was that all about like seriously I'm sure it was shizu my destend one!)

silver:(like ceil said before I made your wish come true)

rimuru:(I-i swear it was just a joke I haven't even done it anyone!)

silver:(you only haven't becouse you don't have a di-)

rimuru:(alright alright I get it please don't remind me!)

silver:(your lucky that slimes don't have genders anyways I want you to do this for me is that ok?)

rimuru:(ummm sure?)

silver:(since your saving shizu or shizue I want you to save the ogres after you save her and I also want you to go to this nice village and you'll meet your other destend one good luck by the way)


rimuru:not going to lie he seems nice a bit rude but he's nice

silver:(glad you think so-ow!)

rimuru mind:huh wonder what happened he stop talking now oh well not going to lie I'm pretty lucky that I encountered zegion and apito on my way back I wonder how veldora is teaching him

after that I went out to see rigurd of course to tell me about the trio and shizu after he told me about it I said to him that prepare a table for them then I left to save them when I got there I was able to save them again but this time when I ask shizu is she's ok she blushed a bit making more confused

rimuru:[hey ceil this never happened before why is she blushing now?]

ceil:[answer my lord chang a few things in this timeline he told that it would sweet for someone to experience love well after he told me that even though I tried my best to ignore what's happening I can clearly hear him crying]


rimuru:hey don't you guy's come with me to my village and have some rest?

then they come with me to go to the village and there enjoying the food and we talked a bit and after that I went to shizu where the sun can be seen setting down

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