chapter 12

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silver pov:

rimuru beat that Kenya kid with the Kaenken Rekka by just blocking and he beat the girl who has been timetraveling to save his ass which he easly destroyed the water shield her by using the Suiseiken Nagare and transforming into fantastic Lion form then he beat the spoiled ass girl by simply just dodging and he beat the kid who is acting like a dog by just using both the Kaenken Rekka and Suiseiken Nagare but that's not important right now since it's night and I'm going to force him to wake up and train

no one's pov:

silver then teleported to rimuru room

silver:oi! Wake you're fat ass up!

then he hit rimuru with a sledge hammer and he woke up

rimuru:ow! What was that for?!

Silver:stop complaining your a slime and you don't need sleep come on let's train!


then silver took rimuru hand and they teleported outside

rimuru:so why at night?

silver: simple we don't need sleep and you need to learn the technique which I like to call speed transformation which kamen riders in the show do all the time like seriously there's a lot of scene's where they transform extremely fast so let's train!

rimuru: right...

silver:so Are You Ready?!


Silver:good! Now let's rumble!

then he took out a driver and puts it on and he took out a stamp that has bat logo on it

Bat! Confirmed!

then he put it in the driver

then he took the driver and flip it

and he pull it of the driver and pointed it at rimuru


Versus Up! Precious! Trust us! Justice! Bat! Kamen Rider Live!

Versus Up! Precious! Trust us! Justice! Bat! Kamen Rider Live!

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live:you better be ready now choose your driver!


then he took out the Kokuranken Shikkoku and Gaikotsu Ninjaden wonder ride book

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