Chapter 11 - Time

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A/N: There's a timeskip in this chapter! Just in case you missed me saying in the last chapter. Hope you enjoy!

It had been five months since the flame hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku had went off on that mission. Almost as soon as they got back he was gone. Senjuro was used to this, however sad it made him. Y/N was offered a break period if she wanted it, but she found it easier to keep her brain busy. When they got back, Senjuro had refreshed y/n on the information he had learned. Kyokai was older than first estimated, and as a result he was starting to become a little slower. It was recommended that he went on smaller walks, and not on huge adventures, such as demon slaying. It left y/n wondering what to do as the dog could not stay, the former flame hashira would never allow it.

That was what she thought until half a month later, she had come back from another task and was shocked to see Shinjuro playing with Kyokai. Embarrassed at being caught, y/n teased him. He kept his distance from the dog for a while after, but half a month later, the dog and father were practically best far as Shinjuro could go considering how depressed and drunk he always was. But thanks to the pet she had brought home y/n could see, this man wasn't entirely heartless. He didn't even mind when Senjuro and y/n explained that the dog was too old for y/n's job. So much for hating animals...

Two months on from when Kyojuro left for his mission y/n was starting to miss him, his company was nice. Without him she felt quite lonely. Often she wondered how he was doing, if his mission was going well. Her heart would always skip a beat after remembering the moments they shared, and it took her a while to come to terms with that. Even five months on, as she walked back from another successful mission that took her a rank up, she was still having that internal battle. It gave her a frown that made her seem uninterested in anything, people would keep their distance. Heading to the Rengoku estate, she realised she would really need to get herself a home. She was here for a long time after all, maybe even for the rest of her life.

Her thoughts broke their chain for a moment as she saw someone leaving the Rengoku household the way she was almost entering. It wasn't just any person, his overly muscular build, white hair, pink eyes and flashy accessories could only make him one person. He was the sound hashira, a confident, cocky grin was stuck to his face as he left. When he noticed her he gave a wink as he walked, not lingering to talk as his crow landed to report a job for him. What was he doing here? She frowned in curiosity, choosing to ignore the flirtatious wink he gave her previously.

She had her answer when she entered the home to see Senjuro sat on the floor with a blush flush on his cheeks. It only darkened when she noticed y/n standing in front of him.

"He was just helping me with... relationship stuff..." Y/N was silent as she took in the words. "Neither you or my brother were available and father know."

"So you chose the sound hashira? Wouldn't the love hashira make more sense?"

"Not really..."

"What do you mean 'not really?' She has literally developed a full fighting style based on love..."

"It's... difficult to explain..." Y/N sighed at that, she shouldn't have been so worried about it. As long as Senjuro got the information he needed...

"Did someone say love?!" The overjoyed voice, sounding as sweet as mochi appeared from behind y/n. Over the months that Kyojuro had gone, he was no longer the newest hashira as his tsukugo had reached the matching level. Y/N didn't know how or why, but the jelousy of the idea rotted her heart and made her sour. That was always the case, but when she met Mitsuri it was impossible to dislike her.

Being the love hashira had is perks. Of all of them, she was the most approachable.

"Senjuro thinks that the sound hashira would be better at love advice than the love hashira herself." Y/N teased, meaning well. Senjuro stood, making a small attempt to defend himself.

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