Chapter 39 - Company

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A/N: Steady to slow pacing for these next few chapters, I hope you don't mind. It will pick up again soon!


Kyojuro had a mission, so unfortunately he had to leave. It was his first official mission since his fight with Akaza. The demon wasn't anything special, just a light warm up for Kyojuro so he could get back into the swing of things. It had been a while since then and y/n was once again left alone with her thoughts. She honestly couldn't have predicted that this is how her life would have turned out. Never in a million years would she have expected the demon slayer corps to spare a demon, nevermind two demons. She considered herself very lucky and extremely grateful. Due to that, she made an oath to herself that she'd help the demon slayers in any way she could for as long as they needed her. It was the least she could do for them being generous enough to let her live.

She was having a lot of visitors, she realised when she noticed her cell being unlocked for the third time. However, this guest was the one of the most unexpected people she ever thought to have come see her. She had seen him once, back when she had her final moments as a human. He was at the train helping people get out of it. She knew as she could recognise the bright yellow hair and clothes from that time. With him, he held a huge wooden box. She could sense something was inside it. Silently he stepped forward, gulping in terror as she shook. But when he heard the clicking sound of the bars locking, that was when he completely freaked out, screaming that he didn't expect to be locked in with her. Y/N could only stare with wide eyes, not expecting the overreacting. Of course, she knew she was scary, especially as a demon, but this reaction was a bit overdramatic...

It took a few moments before the boy collected himself, still shaking as he looked to y/n. He did everything in his power to avoid looking as terrorised as he felt.

"Please don't kill me!" He begged, his voice loud and unexpected. Y/N honestly had thought he had calmed down at this point but apparently not.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, jeez." The demon rolled her eyes, folding her arms as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh, in that case maybe you would marry me please?"





Y/N scoffed, leaning back on the concrete wall behind her. Was this kid really here just to say that? What was his deal? She had multiple reasons why not, but she didn't even expect that question.

"I'm sorry. I was really here to ask you something more important." Y/N became interested again, staring back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"My name is Zenitsu. The demon in this box is Nezuko. We recently had a battle with an upper moon demon that left her brother unconscious..." Really? Y/N didn't know how, but she believed him. As hard as it was to imagine him actually standing a chance against Gyutaro and Daki, she had given him the benefit of the doubt since he had the assist of not only a demon, but also the sound hashira and his wives most likely. "We don't know when he will wake up..."

"So what was your question?" Y/N got to the point. Gyutaro and Daki weren't who she wanted to think about at the moment, still sad over their deaths.

"Would you be able to keep Nezuko company until he wakes up? If he wakes up..." The silence that followed his words was short, but it was too long for him as he frantically attempted to over explain. "I mean, of course he will! I just thought because you two are both demons that maybe it would be nice for you both have company! I mean...She doesn't really talk but-"

"I get it. It's fine. She can stay with me." Y/N offered a supporting smile. It didn't last long however as she noticed the box quietly open, the demon girl mentioned slipping out and observing her surroundings. "Huh, she's a lot smaller than I thought she would be..." Y/N admitted, looking at the demon in wonder.

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