Chapter 44 - Flame

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A/N: I hope you're all having a good day! My goal to finish this fic by the end of the year didn't really work out. But I'm close, it counts! Hope you enjoy!


Y/N paced in her jail, walking around in a desperate attempt to ignore the guilt that ate away at her. She had done the right thing, sacrificing what little freedom she had to help with a cure that could bring her humanity back. She missed being human so much. Looking at the same four walls again for what felt like forever drove her insane, as she wished she could break out of them and just roam freely. Soon. She had to remind herself that a cure was really close to being completed.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a member of the demon slayer corps approached her, the footsteps echoeing and catching all of her attention. There was nothing else to focus on unless she wanted to fully give in to her cabin fever. She recognised the scent of the human, it was the same one who had granted her access to roam freely a few days ago. Something about her sudden impatience made her wish she could snap the bamboo in her mouth and just lunge at him. Was it hunger? Was the demon part of her coming back to the front after so long of her being good? Now she was angry at herself. The slayer scoffed as he glared at her through the bars before lifting a sword y/n recognised.

"The swordsmiths worked really hard on this weapon for you. Not that you deserve it." The corps member held it up without touching the handle, even if he did it wouldn't change colour. He was only a medic anyway. "I can't believe they would give a demon a weapon, let alone expect you to fight alongside them when they face Muzan." Y/N's ears burned at the name, focusing in on that one piece of information. Yes, this corps member was extremely annoying, but at this moment, she could care less. His words meant that they had gotten closer to finding him, and without her intel, it was quite impressive. She definitely wanted to join that fight. She was glad that she was allowed to.

"Still, as much as I wish I could take it for myself, it's classed as a Hashira's weapon." He sighed, placing it gently on the floor opposite the metal bars. "I have to leave it here until you become human again, not like that will happen, or until the real fight starts." Y/N watched as her new sword rested close to her, yet so far she couldn't reach it. It's colour hadn't changed to her usual one yet as she hadn't touched it, but the sword guard was more unique. It was made with a blue gemstone, not the same as the one she had on her jewelry, but it was similar in colour. The guard formed the silhouette of the planet Saturn, with it's rings and everything. It truly was beautiful. Having it so close yet out of reach started to irritate her, as it reminded her of how she couldn't grab it if she wasn't human.

"Oh yeah, you can't talk." The corps member let out a harsh smirk, laughing at the demon's misery. "I suppose that's what happens when the corps decides to keep a pet." Y/N had to remind herself that they were on the same team, repeated it in her head continuously the more he spoke and taunted her. It was almost like he wanted her to bite, so he could get her in more trouble. She did her best to smirk through the muzzle. It wouldn't work. His words meant nothing.

Bored, the corps member left, leaving the sword behind. Y/N could at least be happy that she had a weapon again. Life would be easier with it. Not soon after, the familiar high temperature and footsteps of the flame hashira approached and y/n couldn't help the smile that crossed her face.

"Well, well, well, I heard you snuck off the other night with the young Kamado." Kyojuro chuckled as he unlocked the gate and then locked it behind him after stepping in. "Who knew I caught myself such a mischievous little flame." He teased, approaching her slowly before leaning forward, inspecting her muzzle.

"Look at this. Now how am I supposed to kiss you?" He spoke warmly, his tone making her once again wish the muzzle was gone. "Well, whose to say it won't be useful? Let's keep it for once you become human again." He winked as his hand reached out to stroke y/n's jaw before backing up. It was a perfect moment for their lips to touch, and he was teaching her the lesson in his own way. If she wanted freedom she needed to do as she was told.

"On a more serious note, we have become closer to locating Muzan Kibutsuji. I feel it won't be long before we will be able to catch him." Explained the hashira with an encouraging smile. "And we will take him down together!" Y/N nodded with motivation, raising her arms into fists to show that she agreed although she couldn't say it. The action made him laugh out, before his expression fell serious once again.

"However I worry..." Y/N made a small noise of curiosity, mentally thanking Nezuko for teaching her how to communicate through the muzzle back when they had spent months together. "Everyone had been training even harder. Demons are disappearing on their own and all the hashira are determined to receive their marks after the occurrence at the swordsmith village." He looked to y/n shamefully.

"I haven't received mine yet, I'm one of the last." He admitted. Y/N looked at him with sad eyes, seeing how worthless he felt. She wanted to reassure him, tell him that he didn't need it, whatever it was. She could only assume it helped in some way. Realising that she didn't understand what it was, he briefly explained. Now understanding, y/n came up with her own conclusion on why his mark hadn't appeared. Maybe his temperature was already high and so, it didn't work? It also needed to be in the middle of a neardeath situation and she dreaded to think what danger Kyojuro was putting himself into just for this precious mark. The flame hashira was strong, he didn't need any power ups. She wished she could tell him that.

"I also worry because once we find the first demon, we cannot stop. We need to act immediately." Y/N understood, also determined to end this once and for all. "But there's a theory, if you're not human before then..." Kyojuro's eyes shut as he let out a breath, struggling to finish his sentence. Y/N looked to him with sad eyes before walking up and patting his shoulder. It was the highest she could reach.

She let out a small noise as she was suddenly squeezed into a tight hug, momentarily grateful that she couldn't die from suffocation. "I don't want to lose you again..." Y/N hugged back after a moment, humming reassuringly. He wouldn't. This muzzle was really annoying, she realised. They remained in that loving hug for a moment longer before the male backed up, noticing the necklace around y/n's neck. "The same gemstone from before is missing again..." He laughed lightly. Y/N grew confused as she tried to look down, becoming frustrated when she couldn't see the jewellery thanks to the annoying wood in her mouth. Kyojuro only laughed more at her reaction.

"Not only are you mischievous, but you're also clumsy, my love!" Y/N blushed at his words, trying to hide it with her hair as she looked away. She was forced to look into his blazing eyes once again when he used two of his fingers to lift her chin, maintaining eye contact. "You don't need to be embarrassed. I love you just the way you are." Y/N melted at his touch and his words as he leaned in, close enough that she could feel his breath tickle her cheek. He planted a kiss there before pulling her forward into another hug, y/n returning it. A lava hot blush covered her face as she rested her head on his chest, smiling the widest she had in a while through the muzzle that restricted her words.

"Soon you will be human again, my brightest little flame..." The flame hashira soothed, swaying their bodies together as he stroked her soft h/c hair gently. It was a relaxing, perfect moment...y/n almost forgot she was a demon.

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