Chapter 33 - Reason

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A/N: Sorry I was gone for a few days, had to do some Christmas shopping! I usually buy presents over the year, this year I didn't and I now realise how busy it makes me xD Hope you like this new chapter!


"Mama, what are we doing today?" The daughter spoke cheerfully, giggling as she skipped next to her mother.

"Today we will be going shopping and visiting Tsukihiko after I visit the doctor." The mother answered, her tone warm as she held her daughter's hand. Y/N walked next to them, watching with curiosity.

"You need to go to the doctor?" The demon questioned, watching the humans carefully as Reiko stopped listening to admire the bright lights of the location they were in.

"Yes, I haven't been well lately and I was hoping you wouldn't mind being with my daughter while I'm there?" Without a choice, y/n agreed to go along with it, though she had no idea how to deal with a child. So, with a watchful eye from her, they headed over to the doctor.

Silently y/n stood outside with her arms folded, staring at the door Rei had went through. She hoped that the mother would be back soon, as it was difficult to know how to communicate to the child who had been silently staring at her for a few minutes now. She of course knew that adults were supposed to hold their kids hands to avoid them getting lost, but y/n felt awkward doing that with a child she barely knew. Besides, little Reiko seemed to know when to stay put.

"You are weird!" The child declared after a few moments, finally taking y/n's eyes away from the door to her.

"How so?" Y/N replied, voice steady. Kids always called adults weird, but they never seemed to think they were the weird ones. The ones who constantly stare at people just because they've never seen them before.

"You aren't happy!" She spoke, realising now how y/n hadn't smiled once since when they had met yesterday. That didn't mean she was never happy, but she entertained the child with the assumption.

"Am I meant to be?" The demon questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! Papa always says that if you don't feel happy, smiling will eventually make you feel happy again!" She declared proudly.

"Really?" Y/N spoke in disbelief, unsure whether or not she would buy that. There was no way that Muzan would ever know how happiness worked. Still, the child gave her a determined nod, staring at her with focus. Y/N was now expected to smile. With a small, tired sigh, y/n forced a smile, hoping that it would stop Reiko from pestering her.

"...Why isn't it working?" The young girl pouted, crossing her small arms over her chest as she moved to be directly opposite to y/n. The unimpressed reaction of the kid made y/n chuckle. Only realising what she had done after the small human's features brightened. "It does work!"

"Fine, you win." Y/N relaxed a little, starting to enjoy the time she spent with this little girl. The child then persuaded y/n to play small games together while they waited and it wasn't long before Rei came out of the doctor's office, a blush casted over her face as she watched the ground with a shocked smile. "Is everything alright?" Y/N asked, sensing the happiness coming from the mother.

"Yeah, everything is fine." She moved to her daughter to tickle her, pressuring giggles out of the child to distract her from the words she said next. She had wanted them to be a surprise and children, as wonderful as they are, loved to ruin surprises. So while she tickled the child, she looked to the demon guarding her and mouthed the words that y/n never expected to hear. "I'm pregnant." Y/N pretended to smile and be happy for the lady, but she knew deep down, that this child wasn't the beautiful miracle that most children were.

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