Chapter 12 - A Date?

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A/N: So sorry for the late update, life has been busy lately. There is something important I need to say so please read. Lately my books as well as quite a lot of others' is being spammed by a bot that keeps recreating their account. It is "markos" followed by 3 random numbers, the profile picture is a rainbow flag with a heart. This is a scammer, do not click the link he posts in the comments. There are plenty of ways for the LGBT to communicate via multiple applications such as Discord, there are also charities that you can donate to if you want to offer your support. I have been deleting and reporting this bot for a week now, but I am not online all the time. Do not click the link, do not interact with it, reporting it is the best way to deal with the situation. Personally I find it disgusting that someone has the audacity to prey on and take advantage of people for their sexuality. Please be cautious. I hope you enjoy this next chapter!


Y/N stood near to Senjuro, giving him more ideas and recipes as she played with Kyokai. As they were told, the dog really had started to slow down, it showed when he quickly became too tired to play, choosing to sleep instead. Without much to say y/n stared to the ground, bored as she waited for her next mission. At times like this, she wondered how Kyojuro was doing, this mission had taken him a long time. She had at least been reassured that he was alive, as Senjuro explained that his crow would inform them of his death. Like she had previously said, he was strong, he wouldn't die.

"Something smells amazing!" As if he had read her thoughts, he suddenly appeared in the doorway, acknowledging the smell of Senjuro's meals as his first words since coming back.

"Big brother!" Senjuro's smile grew wide as he finished the meal, happy to once again see his brother as the crow on his shoulder cawed. Y/N looked to the hashira with a soft smile.

"You're back." She spoke quietly, as she felt the feelings within her grow. She wanted to cry in happiness at the fact he had returned, but she was stubborn enough to hold it back. Even at the adorable sight of the two brothers in a hug, before Senjuro guiding Kyojuro to try his food. Of course, he thought it was tasty. Y/N had to agree.

Once finished with her meal she sat outside, enjoying the peacefulness of the morning. Shinjuro had walked past, barely registering that she was there. But as he walked, the dog she had rescued wagged his tail, happily following the male. He gave Kyokai a pet as they left on their walk. To see such a grumpy, depressed man warm up to an animal he said he hated, it warmed her heart. She was sure that he was still good deep down, he was just suffering so much. It was sad that she had no way of helping, but if anyone could help it would be his own sons.

Birds tweeted as they woke up, flying around in search of food. There were faint noises of other people talking far away, the sun was out and was casting a lot of heat. It felt nice until some bug started to fly around her face, it's buzzing removing the peacefulness. As she was busy whacking it away, the flame hashira watched from the doorway before sitting to join her.

"How were things while I was away?" He questioned, his smile remaining.

"Quiet." Y/N responded, and truly it was. She would go off and complete missions, come back and just relax as she ranked up. It was even more quiet when Senjuro officially started helping out in the butterfly mansion, he still lived at home but y/n would see him less and less. But it was good, as Senjuro was becoming happier. That was what she wanted for him. "I have ranked up a few times since you've been gone, but not much else has happened."

"I see. Do you have a mission currently?" His voice was nice to listen to, y/n realised.

"Actually no, I've not had a mission for a while honestly." She admitted. She didn't really mind, however, it was nice to relax for a while.

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