Seb Plushy

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Full Name: Seb PlushyAliases: Plushy Version of SebAge: Ageless Ht: 6 inchesWt: 1 poundHair Color: Black Eye Color: Red (Left) and Orange (Right)Species: Living PlushyLove Interest: NoneSexuality: Pansexual

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Full Name: Seb Plushy
Aliases: Plushy Version of Seb
Age: Ageless
Ht: 6 inches
Wt: 1 pound
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red (Left) and Orange (Right)
Species: Living Plushy
Love Interest: None
Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationships: PC Doll (Sibling Relationship )
Coral (Sibling Relationship)
Seb (Creator, Friend)
Psy (On somewhat okay terms with)
Garry (Hates)
PC (Often torments)
Ruby (On good terms with)

The Seb Plushy, as the name implies, is a plushy version of Seb, sharing most of his design aspects, such as the black hair with red streaks, orange beanie (The Plushy's lacks an emblem), fair "skin", and a white hoodie.
However, the Seb Plushy bears several differences from Seb, such as the red streaks being a little different, his own hoodie is blank, his hands resemble mittens, his pants are a lighter shade of red, and his shoes look like maroon stockings with white cuffs. Additionally, his design is based off of Seb's third design instead of his current one. He also has gemstones for eyes, and no mouth. One gemstone is red, and the other is orange.

His old design is basically the same, but his hoodie had a star logo with a red S, and his gemstone eyes were round instead of hexagonal.

The Seb Plushy is overall similar to Seb in personality, but more mischievous, comical, and more of a prankster, using his abilities of Reality Manipulation for pretty much whatever he wants. He is also rather collected as an individual, aware he needs to set his own limits, as misuse of his powers can be rather destructive to several extents.
The Seb Plushy is also very intelligent, able to pick up on more abstract concepts, and put them to use. Such as concepts of double reverse psychology, and using them to trick PC into toning it down with the mini games.
He can also be rather jealous of others, as he lacks a mouth, and can't eat, causing him to be a bit jealous of people when they're eating. Despite this, he doesn't entirely mind.

Powers and Abilities:
-The Seb Plushy can manipulate reality to basically do whatever he wants or needs. He does limit himself, though.
-He can fly.
-The Plushy can teleport pretty much anywhere.
-For a plushy, the Seb Plushy is fairly strong.
-The Seb Plushy is immortal.
-He mastered most types of psychology to help anyone.

-The Seb Plushy needs the gemstones as eyes, otherwise, he becomes a lifeless, normal plushy.
-The Seb Plushy has to constantly limit himself, as he risks destroying quite a lot.
-The Seb Plushy's strength is limited, and he can't move everything around without his abilities.

-The Seb Plushy was created as a counterpart to the PC Doll, but later was developed into his own character.
-The Plushy can feel human emotions.
-The Seb Plushy is incapable of eating.
-He loves giving and receiving hugs.
-He tends to use actions rather than words when it comes to Garry.
-He gave Seb the idea for the Garry Launcher Model III.
-Seb often confides in him when he needs advice about Aria.
-PC often forgets that the Seb Plushy is a living plushy doll, and when they're drunk, they often talk to him like a regular plushy. Especially when they're telling him when they're being "punished" by Ruby.
-The Seb Plushy is canonically the shortest of the Plushy Gang. He's about half the PC Doll's height.
-Development for the Seb Plushy was made before Garry was planned.
-The Seb Plushy can convey emotions through his eyes, but because the top of the gem eyes is covered by his hair, it's hard to tell.
-The Seb Plushy often gets kicked to a wall by people who first see him, as they end up spooked by him.

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