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All the girls are seated in a semicircle with Henna on their hands. Means, they can't do anything at all, this was the golden opportunity for Ishaan, and he jumped at it.

"Aisha, how will you beat me now." He said and played her videos on the large screen situated beside the stage. Fortunately, all the elders had gone to a temple to pray for the couple's well-being.

"Ishaan wants to die." Aman said.

"Nahh, Ishaan wants to experience the hell." I replied to him. I met Lakshya Mehra. the topmost business in the entertainment industry and met Tannay Chopra too, the famous indo-american singer. The way Aisha's eyes lighted up when she said hi to Lakshya.

"Ishaan, shut that now." Aisha shouted, getting up from her place.

"Oh, someone is angry." Ishaan cooed, standing way away from her.

"Ishaan, I can't let someone die on my precious day, so I advise you to stop this act of yours." Avni advised him, but too late, Aisha was already chasing down him.

"What kind of friends I have." Aman said with a sigh sitting in front of Avni with a plate of food.

"I know right, two can't stop fighting, and those two can't stop their nonsense." Avni said, sighing, and everyone laughed.

"I am hungry too." Shanaya said, and in an instant, Lakshya was in front of her, with a plate filled with food. Shanaya made a pout but ultimately ate when Lakshya gave her a glare. I have been introduced to all the girls and their respective partners, too. I was wondering for a moment, what they did to fuck up this bad, that Tannay is groveling pretty bad and Lakshya too seems, is trying his best, I mean with the faces they own, what wrong they could have done. Then I dropped the idea.

"I don't wanna eat." We all heard Aanya's voice.

"Pleaseee, rose, eat na. You didn't eat breakfast either." Tannay said in a pleasing tone, and we all watched the couple standing there silently, and then all the girls went awww, when she ate.

"You see Krish, that's how you grovel for an apology." Aisha slowly said to me and went back to her place.

All the boys were at the service of their ladies, and here I was standing like an old banyan tree. All the elders came back and stood there admiring the scene of boys at the service of girls.

"Krish, feed Aisha too. She can't stay hungry or she will get irritated." Aisha's mom said.

"Naahh, Maa, it's fine. I am okay." Aisha replied.

"I insist." I said with a sweet smile at Aunty and got her food.

"I am not eating from your hands, Krish Kapoor." Aisha said once the aunties left.

"You don't have another choice, darling." I replied with an eye roll.

"Aisha, stop throwing tantrums and eat." Kaira commanded her.

"But - " She was about to speak, but this time, Aman stopped her and said to eat too. Vihaan was feeding Sania, too.

Wow, I am surrounded by couples and love when my own love life is dancing along the edge of mountain, actually, it's like atmosphere, It's their but not visible.

Finally, the day ended, Aunties were very happy seeing their daughters and sons having good time and good partners, but I was exhausted. Two more rooms were booked for Lakshya and Tannay on our floor only.

I was just about to fall asleep when Aman walked in with Ishaan, Vihaan, Lakshya, and Tannay. Whyy?? I want sleep, I am tired.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do? Always coming into my room." I said, falling back on the bed.

"Well, the ladies have gone to terrace to gossip, and we thought maybe we could get to know each other a little better too." Ishaan said, plopping beside me.

"We are not 16 to play truth and dare." I replied with an eye roll.

"Well, we aren't 50 either to not play truth and dare." Tannay said and high fived Ishaan. Tannay strikes me as the carefree and fun type while Lakshya is more on reserved and calm type.

"One thing is to I am curious too, how much did you fuck up Tannay?" I asked getting on my elbows.

"It started 6 months ago........ and then she sort of became permanently angry with me." He finished.

"You what?!" We all shouted together, even Lakshya.

"You shouldn't have." Vihaan replied.

"I know I shouldn't have. And, now I am here trying to win her back." He said with a sigh.

"Lakshya your turn." Ishaan said turning to him.

"Well, we were forced to marry each other, I had some complications from my side....... but ultimately, here we are." Lakshya finished his story and we were all in awe.

It was like the perfect arranged marraige one except the complications with which they are dealing now, but I am sure that they will emerge as one at the end.

Then they asked Ishaan and and Aman, they told their stories when it was my time, I tried very hard to dodge the question and fortunately for me it was 4 am in the morning and we all at last agreed that we should sleep as tomorrow was sangeet, and we all were forced to prepare dances by Avni but we sure did prepare a surprise one by ourselves for our best friends, more like Aisha planned one.

Everyone went to their own rooms, and I realized that we were gossiping too, shit. I slept and woke up in after soon, when someone banged my door.

"Mr. Krish Kapoor, I know all you boys played tell-a-tale till late, but get up we need to rehearse and Avni is going nuts." She said pulling my comforter.

"I don't want to." I said sleepily, like a kid. I don't know why but it feels safe to act like a kid around Aisha.

"Shut up you dumbass, and get ready." She said smacking my head and went out of the room.

Ouch, she hits way too strongly for a couch potato, who claims to have no energy most of the time. Chalo, let's get ready and go down before Avni sends hunters for my poor soul.

Heyyyyy Nixies!!! I hope you like the story so far. Tell me in the comments which part is the best!😉.

Byeee, take care and keep smiling✨️❤️.

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