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I was getting this very strong vibe that this Maasi isn't here with good intentions. I heard voices in the living room and saw Uncle, Aunty, and Aarav rushing in through the door. Avni, Aman, Ishaan, and Kaira standing at the threshold and Maasi and Sourabh sirting giving everyone side eyes.

"Namaste Aunty, Uncle." I said, and Aunty engulfed in a hug. Uncle patted my back and Aarav, being Aarav was annoying Aisha to give him the parathas.

"How come you are here, sister?" Aunty asked once all got settled.

"I just wanted some answers." She replied smugly.

"Like?" Kiara inquired, Bunny's face showing very much hesitant.

My Bunny, Aisha.

I have done everything in the last week not to fuck up again, becuase this feels like my long back drean come true. Holding Aisha in my arms, crush her in hugs, and kiss her senselessly whenever I want. She is my muse.

"Why did she reject my son? What's wrong with him?" Maasi asked.

"You really have the audacity to ask that after how your son treated Aisha?" Avni said a little tone higher, Aisha held up a hand to her.

"Maasi, have you asked your son what he did to get rejected?" Aarav asked.

"You dimwit, you shouldn't speak when eldera are talking." Maasi replied in an angry tone.

"Maasi, with all respect, don't talk to my brother like that in my house." Aisha spoke politely yet with a warning.

"I just want to know why you rejected my son? He got a nice job, he is a doctor. He cleans and cooks, perfect husband material." Maasi spoke up, irritated and annoyed.

"Maybe he just lacks manners and emotional control." Kaira said, shrugging, and Aisha slightly flinched, almost invisibly.

"What did he do?" Uncle asked, seeing Aisha, and stood by her side.

"Nothing, really. We weren't just that compatible together." Aisha tried speaking with a small smile.

"He called her vulgar words, and I have never wanted to bash someone's head more than him." Ishaan spoke, standing beside Uncle.

"What did he say?" Aunty asked, standing infrom of Aisha, holding her shoulders in a caring way.

"H-He called me slut when he saw me kissing Krish." She said slowly.

"Or what else will he say to a girl who was going to marry him and was caught kissing someone else." Maasi shouted at her.

"Lower your voice." I said in a slow, dangerous voice, and she instantly shut up.

"You dare utter another word about my Aishu here, and your precious son will be jobless and kicked out of country with you in a minute." I said to her, Sourabh's eyes were wide now.

"First time, you were left alone with the courtesy of Aishu, but if I ever find you again, consider yourself dead alreay." Ishaan said, matching my tone.

He thinks he can do whatever he wants, then when I show him what I can do, he will crawl back to India.

"But, your daughter is a slut. Keep my words in your mind, Ishika Bhabhi." That lady said to Aunty.

Aunty marched up and slapped her hard.

"Don't say my name from that mouth and one more word about my daughter, and I will let my son-in-law do whatever he wants with your precious useless son." She threatened her, and Massi and Sourabh were out of the apartment in a minute.

"Aunty, that was epic." Kaira said, hooting.

"I was epic in my era." Aunty said proudly. Aisha ran and hugged her, Uncle too joined, and Aarav was dragged, ignoring his protests.

"Wait a minute, SON-IN-LAW????" Ishaan shouted, realizing it.

I don't have any intention of letting my bunny go, not in this life or another. And marrying her would tie her to for seven lives, but that's also not sufficient. She is my drug, and I want her forever and ever.

I always knew that I love marraiges and its significances, my mother and father were my role models until her death and his abuse but the relation they had, the immense amount of trust and care for each other. The everlasting trust and respect, that's what I have always wanted in my relationship, too, and Aisha is like the perfect for me.

She completes me, in every essence and in every sense.

"If he won't marry my girl, you might be attending his funeral soon." Uncle said, rolling up his sleeves, and I gulped.

"It's getting interesting now." Aman said, resting his hands around Avni's waist from behind.

"I would love to see this show, but let me get some pop corn first." Ishaan said, and everyone laughed as he dashed into the kitchen.

We heard the sound of some utensils falling, and Aisha shouted at him.

"Don't you dare ruin any of my hard work in there, or I will make sure that you won't get good food in hospital after Krish beat you up."

"Ayeee, why am I in it?" I asked, looking at her.

"Well, you gonna promise to be with me in my sorrows and happiness, this is toh just drama." She said, winking, and here I melted. Ufff, my bunny.

"Diiii, Parathaaaas." Aarav cried, holding his stomach.

"Bringing bhai. Wait a little." She said and went to the kitchen while Uncle made me sit with him, Ishaan and Aman smirking at me from the other couch while Aunty, Avni, and Kaira went to help Aisha.

"Don't worry, you don't have to marry her. I just said that for her mother to listen." Uncle spoke.

"No, I will marry her." I spoke in reflex. I can't even see her with another man, and to let her go to spend her life with someone else is completely out of question.

Ishaan and Aman sang together, "Whipped." And I glared at them to shut up.

"That's what I already know. Now, do you promise not to cause her any pain like you already did?" Uncle further asked.

"I promise with my soul to keep her happy, always. Even if I mess up, I won't let her leave and will correct each and everything I did wrong ever. I can't simply let her go ever." I said with my full sincerity.

"That's my boy. Good to hear." Uncle said, patting my back.

"When she grew up, Ishika and Me both were busy with our jobs, so give her lots of love, okay? She is our lillte mouse." Uncle said, removing his glasses and wiping his eyes.

"Don't worry, Uncle, I will never let her cry, and even she has to, she will be in my arms always, and I will be by her side." I said, holding Uncle's hand.

"Call me Papa, beta." Uncle said with a smile.

"Un-Papa, about my family..." I started to speak, but someone put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"We know everything beta. You don't need to explain yourself or anything. We are happy if our mouse is." Aunty spoke with a smile.

"And call me Mummy too." She added with a grin.

Aisha leaning on the kitchen's threshold, held my gaze, and smiled. I quickly went and hugged her tightly that she had to tell me leave for her to breathe.

Ishaan, Aman, Avni, and Kaira were grinning ear to ear. I suppose this is my happy ending, just that it's still not the ending.

Pleaseeee ignore the typos for now, I will edit it later pakka. I just wrote this in hurry, not gotta goo, byeeeeeee.

Heyyyyy Nixies!!! I hope you like the story so far. Tell me in the comments which part is the best!😉.

Byeee, take care and keep smiling✨️❤️.

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