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Aisha's POV

"For God's sake, this was supposed to be my bachelors with my girls. What are you idiots doing here?" I asked, standing with my hands folded and interrogating these 3 dumbasses standing infront of us.

"We couldn't live without you all." Ishaan spoke in tiny.

"Louder mister." I said. These guys are impossible, take their women away for a bachelors to Paris and they chase behind.

"We missed you and wanted you all to be safe." Aman spoke.

"Well the bodyguards by your friend were doing the job just fine." I taunted Aman, and Krish too.

Krish insanely appointed the bodyguards, because he strongly believed that we will definitely land in trouble if I am going.

"One bachelors yaar, I deserve a good one atleast." I said huffing and both my brothers hovered over me, while Krish leaned on the reception desk casually with a lazy smile.

"What you smiling at there?" I asked him in irritation, but he just held my wrist and pulled me so hard to himself that I crashed with his chest.

"I am telling you, your tricks won't work here." I said, suppressing my smile with difficulty.

"Oh yeah?" He asked with a crooked eyebrow and a smirk, and started tailing his hand around my waist, and pulled me even close if that possible.

"Krish we are in public." I breathed out, faces just inches apart.

"Don't you love being claimed in public, bunny? Atleast that's what you read and giggle all night." He whispered in my ear.

"Get a room guyss." Avni teased and I pushed him, he was laughing and poking my red cheeks.

"You all are so fucking bad, I am going to that club alone." I said and removed my jacket for Krish to see my bodycon short black dress, and instantly his laughter stopped.

Avni and Kaira too removed their coats and shoved them in the hands of Aman and Ishaan and ran with me to the elevator.

The hotel we booked had a very happening underground club and pub, and it was our last night here, so yeah why not enjoy, after all I am on my bachelors trip.

The boys chased but nah uh, not today misters. Your women are mine tonight, and we are gonna do what we want.

We entered the pub, and holy shit of mother, there were sections divided, one side there were female pole dancers and the other one had male ones, I dragged Avni and Kaira to the male dancers.

Hot, sexy, and damnnnn the way they were moving, I almost melted on spot.

"Ladies, it's my bachelors, enjoyyy!!" I said giving them shots and we took three rounds of shot before we were free and slightly drunk but the liquid courage taking over.

I know I am gonna regret this time, but who cares. I got on the stage, and one dancer was dancing just behind me almost grinding, but it was against the rules of club to touch ladies without permission so he wasn't really touching me. I am literally having the time of my life until the doors were opened and the trio walked in.

I saw them but continued, let them see and let me see what they can do.

Krish's eyes landed on me, my eyes on his, challengeing him to try and stop me. A smirk formed on his lips as he advanced towards me.

"Let's see what you are gonna do misters." I mentally challenged them and they all seem to understand my words cause they all were advancing towards us now.

Kaira and Avni swaying to the music, were grabbed by Ishaan and Aman from behind, and they let out a gasp, followed by small giggles at their men.

Krish stood at the foot of stage watching me with the dance, his eyes held so much jealousy and his ears res with anger still his self control was on peak.

I turned around and started dancing with that dancer face to face, and his movements, I might just melt here anytimee. So smooth and flawless. He asked if he can hold my waist and I nodded, his hands landed on my waist and they were instantly snatched too.

I turned around to see a warned and angry Krish standing there.

"You can't interrupt my fun." I said into his ears.

"Trust me darling I can, and I can also show you what the real fun is." He whispered in my ears and started unbuttoning his shirt.

I went down and sat in the front row sofa with legs crossed. His perfect abs fully on display, looking delicious as fuck and he jad rhe audacity to keep licking his lips, his eyes boring into mine as I shamelessly checked him out, a smirk on his lips.

"Go on mister, show us what you got." I shouted, which drew everyone's attention including my friends who settled beside me.

I didn't really expect him to do the pole damce but he did. He freaking did!!

And I sat there smitted by him, by mine man! He is so not sleeping tonight that's for sure. After giving a very sexy show to everyone, he came down licking his lips, and I pulled him by the collar of his opne shirt.

"You won't be forgiven for that Mr. Krish Kapoor." I said and crashed my lips on his, which he gladly accepted and snaked an arm around my waist. And that's how my Bachelorette went.

Heyy pretyyy people!!! Another epilogue is here. I wanted to publish this one so had to publish all the chapters again😌🙂. But it is worth it if it makes you all that happy💓✨️
Happyy reading and drop lots of commets, I am watching you all.
Love, Nyxieee🤌

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