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Camélia knocked before entering the room where Primavera was, there was also Calypso, Ben's girlfriend, and Persephone, Kai's girlfriend, beside her.

"Cam you're finally here !" Primavera said excitedly before kissing her friend.

"I'm sorry I'm late, you look stunning babe ! I'm just going to take Aurelién's place and marry you" joked Camélia, which made the young women laugh.

"I'm happy to have you as my best woman !"

"I'm glad you chose me".

Then Camélia turned to the others and kissed them too.

"Persia, being pregnant suits you perfectly" said Camélia to Persephone

"Thank you... although I have to say I was afraid I wouldn't fit into my bridesmaid's dress" she said as she embraced her friend.

"it makes you look charming" Camélia winked.

"cam ! where's your lovely boy ?" asked Calypso as she cuddled her friend

"I left him with Aurélien, Vinicius and Eduardo".

"good idea, vinicius must be so happy to be babysitting, he loves children" said primavera with a smile.

"even though maisie is now born" says calypso

"oh yes, where is your baby girl i didnt see her by the way" camélia said

"she's with my my future in-laws for now" primavera answered

"what about your brother, joshua couldn't make it ?" asked persephone

"no, he's on tour, he's very busy actually".

"damn, if I get married I'll call on your services so that seventeen can perform at my wedding" calypso joked

"whenever you want, girl" Camélia replied, laughing.

The atmosphere was calming for Primavera, who was getting ready to marry Aurélien.

"and gue-sung is there ?"

"yes, he's going to walk me down the aisle as our parents couldn't make it".

"it's a good thing you're getting married in Korea too, they'll be able to enjoy it too" said Persephone, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"it's true... but I'm so stressed, I know I love Aurel but marriage is such a big thing" Primavera confessed as she sat down on the chair.

"prim, you and aurel have found each other so well, you're a perfect match, he's perfect for you, you're perfect for him, and neither of you has ever complained about the other, he's your soul mate and now you're about to make it official, you're going to have the best day of your life" camélia reassured her, taking her hands in hers.

"Cam is right, your wedding is going to be the most beautiful" added Persephone.

"you're both magnificent, all we need now is a wedding to make everything even more perfect" said calipso with a smile.

"thank you girls, I don't know what I'd do without you"

"now stand up, you're wrinkling your wedding dress"

-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-

"so buddy... can you tell us who's your favorite player in real madrid ?" asked eduardo

the three players looked at him, waiting for this 4 year old to tell them that one of them is his favorite

"Modrić" he confessed, the three looked at each other before smiling

"We can't blame him, he has taste" vinicius says in ruffling achille's hair

"He's here tonight if you want, you can go talk to him," said aurélien, pinching his cheek gently

"Oh really ?" the little boy's eyes lit up

"I will introduce you to him," said eduardo, carrying the little boy around his shoulders

"could I have his autograph ?"

"we'll ask him," said vinicius with a wink

"Mom didn't warn me that there would be so many footballers" the little boy whispered, before playing with eduardo's hair

The three men spoke together again a little before aurélien decided to go and see if his future wife was well and ready

"I love your hair, I want the same too" said achille to eduardo who sketched a laugh

"you're cute"

"yoo cho gue-sung my mate !" said vinicius as the Korean footballer arrived, trying to tie his tie properly.

"heyy viniciuuuus" he replied, hugging the Brazilian.

"hey mate" said eduardo shaking his hand and patting his shoulder

"hey eduardo ! hey you !" said gue-sung as he ruffled achille's hair and patted the Korean's hand.

"hi hyung !"
(hyung means 'big brother' in korean**)

"do you know each other ?" eduardo asked

"I know his uncle, we're quite close and then Primavera is his godmother, isn't that right buddy ?" replied gue-sung still struggling to tie his tie.

"primavera is my godmother !" confirmed the boy, which made the two real madrid players laugh.

"hey gue-sung !" said calypso as she came over and hugged him.

"hey caly ! hey persia !"

persephone shook his hand, smiling.

"damn you and kai didn't waste any time, congratulations" gue-sung remarked, which made the young adults laugh.

"thank you" persephone replied

"I suppose you've seen my little sister ?"

"yes, she's gorgeous"

"and is mummy with her too ?"

"don't worry, she's with her" confirmed calypso as she took the little boy in her arms.

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