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(words in italics mean that they are speaking in Korean)


"so you've been friends for a long time ?" joshua asked kepa, who was struggling to hold his chopsticks, which made achille laugh.

"let's just say we met for the first time at aurélien and primavera's wedding and then we got quite close" the spaniard replied with a smile while camélia nodded

"I feel like you're introducing me to my brother-in-law lia" joshua teased her, which made her laugh.

"he's not your brother-in-law, it's kylian your future brother-in-law !" replied achille as he ate from his uncle's plate.

"I thought I'd guessed that" joshua replied, winking at his little sister who was blushing.

"yes well, for the moment we're taking our time" she replied as she ate. 

"you know he cooked dinner for me and Mum and it was really good !"

"oh really ?" joshua asked surprised because his four year old nephew had just told him.

"yes, it was nice, he's very sweet and nice to us" said Camélia, blushing, there was no doubt about it, even Kepa, who didn't understand what they were saying, could guess that they were talking about Kylian Mbappé, given Camélia's flushed face and the smile she was trying to wipe off her face so as not to fall too much in love with the young French footballer.

"and euhm kepa ? do you have an opinion on kylian mbappé ?" asked joshua, curious to know what his sister's friend might think about him.

"well, honestly, I don't know much about him apart from his football skills, but I'd say he seems like a sincere and pleasant person from what your sister tells me, so I can only have a positive opinion of him" the Spaniard replied, which made joshua smile.

"Well, I hope to be able to meet him before the end of our tour in France" he added, nudging his sister, who laughed.

"we'll see"

"oh yes, that would be great !" said Achille, shaking his hands and arms.

"You see, even Achille agrees with that, don't you buddy ?"

achille grinned with all his little teeth before nodding his head fully

-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-

"hey edu am I disturbing you ?" asked kylian as he called him on the phone, sitting on his sofa a little frustrated.

"I'm just making pasta with vini so I'm a bit swamped as he and gue-sung are bickering over whether they want carbonara or bolognese for the sauce so you're bothering me a little bit maybe-"

"perfect, um have you seen cam's story ? given that you're close I thought maybe... " kylian cut him off while eduardo frowned, not knowing what he was talking about.

"I'm not sure what you mean, I haven't seen what she put in her story yet" said eduardo, taking his Korean friend's phone to see what Camélia had posted in her story.

"I don't know who it is, but it worries me a little, even a lot." kylian sighed, he didn't like this feeling at all.

"wait five seconds" eduardo replied, looking at his friends' insta stories. camélia's story featured a rather handsome man whom she seemed very close to, since in her first photo she was obviously with him and in the second he was wearing a microphone and she realised that he was in a music group.

"Can you say something please ?" kylian almost begged

"damn man this guy is a singer... I'd like to reassure you but I don't know what to say, I think it must be his best friend or something" he said as he went to visit the profile of this certain "joshua".

Eduardo certainly didn't want to worry Kylian, but then he shouldn't have gone to see the young singer's profile. He was really handsome, he had to admit.

"but aren't you and kepa supposed to be her best friends ?"

"yes, but then she also has friends in Korea, don't forget that, and I think he must be one of them, how does she manage to surround herself with such good-looking guys..." the Real Madrid footballer blurted out.

"he's really that good looking ?" kylian asked, not daring to click on his profile

"Well, go and see for yourself..."

"edu have you finished with my phone?" asked gue-sung after finally convincing vini to choose carbonara sauce instead of bolognese.

he wasn't ready to see his instagram story...

he wasn't ready to see his instagram story

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