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Unfortunately, the evening was drawing to a close, kai and persephone had fallen asleep on top of each other, ben and calypso were drunk, gue-sung and vini still didn't know how they managed to stay up, and aurélien and primavera had been slipping away discreetly for a few hours now, probably in a hurry to find their little girl.

As for Kylian and Camélia, they had decided to get some fresh air and found themselves sitting alone on the beach, Achille sleeping on his mother's lap, covered by her shawl.

"I wish you'd won the World Cup, you deserved it" Camélia said with a smile on her face as they were talking about him.

"me too, but it seems that Argentina was very much in favour of winning it" he emphasised the word "very", which made the young woman laugh.

"you're right"

"im wondering,  what is your job ?" he changed the conversation, not wanting it to be about him and wanting to be even more interested in her

"Well, I'm an animal keeper in the marine environment".

"oh wow, that's amazing, it must be a very interesting job".

"I look after the day-to-day welfare of marine animals in environments such as aquatic parks, aquariums and rehabilitation centres. My main responsibility is to ensure the health and welfare of the marine animals in my care."

"which animals do you look after ?"

"at the moment... I look after sea turtles and dolphins"

turtles.. what a coincidence

"impressive... it must be really fun for achille to be able to be in contact with these animals" kylian said which made camélia smile even more, the fact that he had thought of him made the young woman blush

"It's true, I often work extra hours for him, because he loves being in contact with them".

"That must be fascinating"

"It is... so if you ever want to swim with sharks, or dolphins, you know who to contact". she says with a wink

The two young adults laughed.

"Sharks ? Do you want me to die or not ?"

"No, certainly not, but you know, sharks aren't all bad, they're even more adorable than some other animals".

"that could be interesting" the Frenchman says, he certainly wouldn't say no to swimming with sharks if it was to be in her company

he could imagine himself swimming with these marine animals with her by his side

"what are achille's favourite animals ?" the fact that kylian was also interested in achille made the woman even more flattered and made her heart beat even faster

"Turtles, I'd say, he adores them, he likes playing with them because they're rather gentle and calm, with very expressive and cute eyes. Achille loves it when they retract their heads too, it's like they're hiding sometimes. They also have beautiful motifs on their shells, which I think are very pretty to look at." Camélia spoke with shining eyes as kylian stared at her for a long moment.

"I like turtles too..." kylian finally added.

"they're really cute animals, I think".

For once kylian felt lucky.

"Turtles are really beautiful, it's true" he added.

'you wonder why'.

"and you ? is there an animal you'd like to have ?"

"mmh... a sea animal ?"

"not necessarily"

"well, I'd say platypus"

"Oh really ?" said the young woman, rather surprised by what he was saying, and he nodded.

"yes, they're small and they look sweet, and they have a rather unique and amusing appearance with their duck-like beaks, which makes them cute."

Camélia watched him speak, was it normal to be seduced so quickly by someone she had only just met ?

"Would you like to go on a rendez-vous together after the wedding ?"

"What do you mean ?"

"kind of a date ?"

"is kylian mbappé really asking me out on a date ?" She turned back to him with a smile on her face as he let out a nervous laugh

"He might be, you just have to accept"

"I'll see if I can get someone to look after Achille and you'll have my answer"

"Oh, but he can come with us, I don't mind at all"

"Are you sure about that ?"

"yes, he's lovely don't worry" He said as he placed his hand on hers, a shiver running through her entire body.

"That's sweet, thank you"

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