Part 22

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Mollys POV

I wake up in Enzo's arms, he makes me melt at the sight of him.

I know what your probably thinking 'she just got out of a relationship' 'she shouldn't be talking like that her boyfriend just used her'

But to be be honest I don't really care what you have to say.

I've always had a small crush on him, I mean look at him, I mean really look at him.

He's hot

And he has the best personality, always knows how to cheer someone up.

Enough of my thoughts back to the story.

I look around the room to see Theodore and Blaise hugging each others feet.

Wait hold on are they hugging each others feet. God don't they reek?

Anyway I look at Jake and Daphne who are cuddling. They are such a cute couple.

Pansy is a starfish in the middle on my room between mine and Allies bed. Weird but ok

And finally Matt and Allie.

They are practically dating yet she thinks he doesn't like her, like girl how stupid can you be.

They are cuddling into each other, I just want to take a photo, hold on let me get my phone

I step over pansy to them and take a quick photo.

I step over pansy to them and take a quick photo

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Awwww cute x

I'm going to post that later today or on one of their birthdays.

You know what I'm posting it on Matts birthday he posted a mugshot of me last year and this is a nice photo of him.

I just realise the time "7:26" shit were late.

"Enzo" I whisper in his ear

"What" he says pulling me

"Get up and get dressed we're late for breakfast" as soon as I say breakfast he gets up

"Can you get Blaise and Theodore up" I say

"Only if you give me a kiss" he says with a smirk

"Fine" I say walking over to him

I kiss him on his cheek and he goes red

I make my way to pansy and kick her

"Get up bitch" I say


"We're late"

"I don't care"

"Your on the floor"

"I don't care"

"You look like a mess" she gets up as soon as I say that

"I'm getting ready" she says

"Get daph" I say

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