Chapter Twenty Two

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The next few days seemed to blur together, Blake had gone back to Ireland, and everything else was pretty much the same. But today held a significance unlike any other.

Julia stirred awake, a sense of heaviness settling upon her heart. It was George's death anniversary, a day she marked with grief since his untimely passing, and she was going to visit him like she had every year for the past decade.

Slipping out of bed, Julia found an eerie comfort in the familiar routine that accompanied this solemn occasion. She dressed in a somber yet elegant attire, carefully selecting a single white rose, George's favourite, to carry with her.

She stepped outside to find the car Alfred had parked for her the night before. Although she didn't usually prefer to drive, on this particular day she preferred to be alone, and he understood that.

Julia made her way to the cemetery, the quietude of the morning mirroring the solemnity in her heart. She walked along the well-worn path, guided by the gravestone that bore George's name, a stark reminder of the fragility of life.

She wiped off some of the dew with her gloved hand, and gently placed the rose under the headstone.

Doctor George Woolridge

March 14, 1978 - September 29, 2003

Born London, England

Scientist ~ Nobel Laureate

King's College, London

She stood there for the better part of an hour, what she in fact felt was a few minutes, without a word, looking back on George's life and the time she had been privileged to spend with him. Julia couldn't help but smile as she remembered his endearing quirks and the way he navigated the world with his charmingly awkward nature.

George, with his tousled hair and glasses perched precariously on his nose, was the epitome of a socially awkward yet brilliant scientist. His interactions with others often resembled a stumbling dance, filled with awkward pauses, misplaced words, and a constant battle against his own nervousness.

He had a knack for finding himself in the most amusingly awkward situations, like attempting to compliment Julia on her appearance but stumbling over his words and ending up complimenting the texture of her sweater instead. He would blush furiously, his gaze darting away, and attempt to recover by explaining what he had actually meant, leaving Julia giggling at his adorable attempts.

In crowded gatherings, George would often retreat into his shell, observing people from a safe distance. However, his eyes never failed to find Julia in the room. Despite his social awkwardness, he always made an effort to be by her side, even if it meant enduring uncomfortable small talk or struggling to fit in.

His attempts at romance often ended up in hilariously awkward scenarios. Candlelit dinners would be interrupted by the smoke alarm as he nervously overcooked the meal, or his well-intentioned surprise date at the park would coincide with a rainstorm, leaving them both drenched but laughing.

A voice broke through the quiet solitude of the cemetery, bringing Julia back from her memories. She turned to find Louis, George's brother, standing there, a small smile on his face. It had been years since she had last seen him, and as she took in his appearance, she couldn't help but notice how time had etched lines of maturity onto his features.

Louis bore a striking resemblance to his late brother. His tousled brown hair, reminiscent of George's, now had traces of grey, and his once boyish face now carried the weight of experience. Despite the passing years, his eyes still held the same gentle warmth that Julia remembered so well.

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