Chapter 9

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Hey guys sorry for the long wait for this chapter, it's been so hectic.

Remember to vote 😁

When I was 16, I met this guy, he was two years older than me. We met in halfway tree.

It was one of those afternoons I would leave school in Spanish Town and make my way with my friends to halfway tree.

We were there standing in the bus park with a couple of our friends, laughing and gallivanting with each other when a group of guys walked up to us.

I remember looking up at him and I was in awe, he was so handsome. He was tall, he was light-skinned, he had perfectly plump lips, he had a beautiful set of brown eyes and the most gorgeous smile.

And I remember just standing there. Looking at him and was just so in awe of how good he looked. I saw his mouth moving but I didn't acknowledge that he was saying something. I really couldn't hear a thing, because I was so mesmerized by what I think was the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

I realized layer that he wasn't all that.

My best friend at the time, her name was Chelsea, she nudged me in the effort to get my attention to what he was saying.

That is when I came out of my reverie and acknowledged that he was saying something to me.

He was asking for my name.

I became very nervous because, if I'm to be honest I wouldn't have thought in my wildest dreams that this man. This beautiful human would want to ask my name, because in my mind I have friends standing around me that looked so much better, that were so much nicer than I was.

However, he was trying to talk to me.

I answered and I said, "Are you talking to me?" And he said "Yes, beautiful. Can I know what your name is?" And I answered him and said, yes, my name is Kyro.

He paid, no attention, absolutely none to my other friends, my other beautiful friends, as I would say in my mind, it was as if I was the only thing that he could see, the only thing that he could pay attention to.

We exchanged numbers that day.

That was the first time I met Sean. My boyfriend of three years, it felt like so much longer too.

We texted and we spoke on the phone morning, noon and free nights. We talked day in and day out.

I found out he was in his last year of six form at Kingston College and I was almost on my last leg of high school as well.

We were stuck in a bubble for the longest time. We got together not long after our first meeting. We got together and decided that we would date maybe two weeks into us flirting over the phone. I just couldn't say no, I couldn't believe that this man, this.. this guy who is everything that a teenage girl could want was interested in me and so I was his in no time.

Once I was in the relationship, I didn't know that it was a toxic space. I didn't know that he was being manipulative, I didn't know that I was with a narcissistic. man.

It was almost three years in when I came to that realization.

A friend of mine from high school, Chelsea, approached me one day and said that she loved that I was in a relationship and she was happy I got the chance to experience it. However, she didn't like what it was doing to me.

I could not understand what she meant by that. I couldn't understand why she would say she liked that I was in a relationship yet, she's trying to say something is off. I didn't get it.

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