Chapter 9

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Wire held Newt's hand tight, the warmth of their connection offering a small freedom from the overwhelming anxiety that had settled within him. His fingers trembled slightly, betraying the mix of emotions filling his heart. He glanced over at Newt, his eyes lingering on the bandages that wrapped around the wounded boy's leg and a pang of worry tightened Wire's chest.

In an attempt to lighten the mood, Wire mustered a weak smile, hoping to provide some comfort to Newt. However, as he glanced back at his friend, he noticed the awkwardness in Newt's own attempt at a smile. It seemed forced, lacking the usual genuine warmth that radiated from him. They sat side by side, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Shadows rapidly approaching as the sun descended beyond the towering walls of the Maze.

Abruptly, the door opened, and Minho came storming in. Wire jumped, his grip on Newt's hand tightening reflexively before releasing it as Newt pulled away. Wire's heart sank at the subtle rejection, but he masked his disappointment.

"Oh, give us some warning would ya?" Wire grumbled, his annoyance directed at Minho, who stood in the doorway, panting heavily. The exertion was evident on Minho's flushed face, his furrowed eyebrows reflecting a mix of frustration and concern.

Newt glanced down at his hands, taking a deep breath. "Look Minho, spare me the talk. I'm sorry, it won't happen again, the end." He frowned, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Wire spotted Alby standing behind Minho, and the boy shrugged apologetically. Minho, still searching for words, breathed heavily, the rise and fall of his chest highliting his frustration. It was as if the anger within him was struggling to find a suitable outlet, and Wire braced himself for the storm that was about to be unleashed. "What the shuck Newt?" He growled, eyeing the boy.

Newt's silence spoke volumes. It was a silence that contained untold of emotions—regret, self-doubt, and an unspoken plea for understanding. Wire could feel the weight of Newt's internal turmoil, his own heart aching in response.

"What was running through your head? What could have possessed you to think it was a good idea? Huh?" Wire froze, staring at the muscular boy. Newt remained silent, his head bowed, his eyes fixed on the floor as if searching for the right words within the grain of the wooden planks.

The room fell into silence broken only by the distant screeches of Greivers echoing through the dark passageways of the Maze. Wire's breath hitched, the tension suffocating, as if the very walls of the Homestead were holding their collective breath, waiting for the dam to burst. "Thought you'd just jump off a cliff and leave us all here to rot? All high and mighty, up in your tower?!"

"Alright, that's enough Minho!" Wire yelled, he had had enough. "You ain't got a bloody clue what's going on here! You have no right! Come in here acting like you've never considered it?" Wire shook his head, moving closer to Minho. "Like you've never thought of ending it?" Wire felt his face go red, and he froze, breathing heavily. Minho was staring at him, as well as Alby. Newt was still staring at the ground, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

Minho glanced around the room, then turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, shoving passed Alby.

"Watch it." Alby growled as the boy left, folding his arms. Wire gritted his teeth, watching Minho's receding back. No one said a word, just the creak of the Homestead and distant echo of the Gladers breaking the silence. "Well. That was eventful" Alby stated, his dark eyes darting between the two.

Wire's silence hung heavy in the air, his mind filled with a growing sense of remorse. Regret gnawed at his stomach, mixing with the weight of his words. Alby cast one last glance at the two boys, his expression a mix of understanding and concern, before he followed the path Minho had taken, leaving the room.

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