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....... Exactly what is wrong with all the people here?

I lay down on my sofa and went deep in my thoughts after that.

After sometimes.

* knock knock *


Is it John lon again?

" Come in! "

The door opened.

It was Zoe.

She stayed right near the door and speak
" Um, sorry. I came because I heard that you have woken up. And, uh, I came to meet you. "

She smiled with a worried face and was probably a little scared of me which was not surprising considering what have I done to her till now.

" Why are you there? "

" What!? " She startled. " I, uh, I came to ask how are you? Are you ok now? "

There was a complete silence circulating that room for a moment.

Till yesterday I used to hate her. For not many reasons but there were some.


" Chloe, 2 days later your half sister is coming. " Said daddy.

" Ridiculous! I never know that I have a sister! "

" You have and her name is Zoe Lee. She is coming from New York. Be prepared. "

" This is ridiculous! I never knew that I even have one and now out of nowhere you're telling me that I have a who knows from where half sister!!? Seriously daddy!!!? This is utterly ridiculous!! "

I then went to my room in anger. I slammed the door open.

" Did something happen, madam? " Asked John wonny.

" Get. Out. "

" .....As you wish madam. "

And he went out.

I jumped on my bed and grabbed a light pink pillow tightly.

...... I was feeling betrayed.

Forget about mom but why did daddy never tell me about it at all?

Everything was fine till morning. I never knew the existence of a who knows from where half sister. I was the only child of this family. The one and only.

I burried my face in the pillow.

.........Will mom love her more? Will she actually be worthy for her love? What if she is? Then what about me? What will happen to me? Will mom love me after she comes? Will she remember her name while still continue to forget mine?

What should I do?

I was restless for a long time. But then I made up my mind to treat her like a family as well.

I convinced myself that she is also someone who can be worthy to stay by me and my family's side. She can be my mom's daughter as well!

Even though she already is. It is our dad who is different.

On the day she came.

I never expected that but I was kind of excited to meet her.

When she came I did everything that I thought would do the best for her like telling her that,
" Daddy will do everything for us. "
Well the words were not quite the same but my motto was.

I did try to show my care for her as much as I could but in the end, maybe, just maybe, I actually just hated her existence.

It hasn't even been long that people have started to become good friends with her. She was especially good friends with that Dupain-Cheng. She casually became good friends with the people that I hated the most.

Mom also was talking to her more than she have ever talked to me. Even if most of her talks were about how horrendous she looked and stuffs but even that was a luxury for me.

A kind of luxry that I can't have cuz the thought of her looking at me with the eyes of disgust was too much for me. I can't handle that. Even if I craved for a longer conversation with her.

Without even realizing myself I found that I have finally lost the potential family I once was excited for arrival.

At one point I just hated her, probably just as much as Dupain-Cheng.

At least for just some time.

But that stone built view melted a little on the day of that shooting when I was akumatised as Queen Banana.

That day she hugged me and said " You may hate me, but I love you, and I always will, even if the whole world hates you, sister. "

Those words were somehow was what I needed the most cuz that night I cried while being buried my head in my pillow. And I didn't even know just why was I crying.

I thought that it was because the film was ruined or was because she had something that mom gave her only.

But maybe just maybe it was because somewhere inside I did think for her as a real sister. A sister that I needed but I never realized.

Flashback ends-

" Why are you there at the door? "

" Uh, I mean, didn't you once said to never come near your room? But I still am here- But I was about to go don't worry!!! Ah, maybe I should go- "

" Come inside. "

" Hah? "

" What? You don't have ears? I said come inside! "

" Ah. Ok. "

I was always wrong. Wrong about everything.

You may not know but my whole life was resolved around pleasing mom.

" Now tell me why are you really here? "

" I told you I came to ask if you're ok. " This time she said that with a confident face.

" Humf! That's utterly ridiculous! Do you really think that I, Chloe Bourgeois, will not be ok? "

She smiled and said " Looks like I was worried for nothing. Then I should go now. "

" Humf! You just wasted your time here. "

She smiled at me again and left.

...... It's not that I want to be sisters with her all of a sudden now that I have my memories back.

That would be too much for both her and me.

I still hate her... Probably a lot less but! Once feeling can't change over night! I also need time to change. And to change my surroundings.

Everything happened way too fast that it's all so very hard to process.

All this information and collision of my memories..... head is getting so very heavy.

Night watcher, I am Chloe Bourgeois! || Miraculous Ladybug Where stories live. Discover now