Disaster festival: The Banquet

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" Madam! Wake up! "

" Um~ " I was half asleep and was irritated that he was waking me up. I checked my phone for time. " John wolly, it's only 6 am, why are you waking me up so early? " I hate my morning voice, it was as if the wild horse had learned the human language.

" Today is the music festival, madam. "

I hurriedly sit up in my goddamn messy hair.

" Ah, right, today is the damn day. " I said in an utterly displeasure way.

" Language, madam. "

" No thank you. "

Hell if I was not going to show my displeasure for that day.

" ... "

" ... "

We had a bit of a staring contest.

He blinked.

I win.

" You have to get ready. " Was the sentence that crushed my winning pleasure dammit.

" For the Banquet? " I said in an annoyed tone once again.

" Yes. "

" Ugh! "

Banquet, this is what they call to the party for high class people and special guests that is going to be held today.

Historically, in places like Balls and Banquets, people should come in a formal attire that can be considered worthy for such a party but last time when I talked to Zoe about it she said that she and everyone else are going in new pairs of their casual wear.

..... I seriously wonder how things turned out like this in society....

I did suggest her to wear something 'actually' good for the Banquet which she didn't understand the concept in the whole and I wasn't even surprised at that point.

" Madam! " John wee slightly shouted.

" Yes! " I jumped that snapped me out of my inner mini monologue.

" You got to go and get ready now, the party will officially start at 9 o'clock in the morning. "

" Yeah yeah, I know. " I scratched my hair.

Why does the party have to be in the morning?

Who came up with this utterly ridiculous idea?

It's so ridiculous that it's- SO UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!

Oh my poor sleep..

" We should get going. " He interrupted again....

I gave him a half squinted eye glare with frowned eyebrows.

" Tsk! Fine, I'm coming. "


At 8:30 a.m.

The guests have started to arrive.

In the meantime, Audrey and André Bourgeois and Zoe Lee were attending the guests.

" Zoe. " Said Audrey.

" Yes, mom? "

" Where is Chloe? "

André was surprised to hear her say Chloe's name without forgetting it.

Hearing Audrey, Zoe answered,
" I called her before and she said that she will be late and don't wait for her. "

" Will be late!? " She wasn't pleased to hear that. " Doesn't she know how important this party is!? I've raised her teaching the importance of social events and dignity and now she is telling me she will be late!? Just what has gotten into the mind of that brat since that ridiculous vacation of her!? "

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