Protection spells

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Charm a Protective Necklace Spell

Take the necklace and hold it in your power hand (the hand that you write with.) Vizualise a bright warm light around it. Now imagine a force field around you warding off evil. Say: "I call upon the universe, to make this my protective charm. When ever I where it, I shall endure no harm." Imagine the light soaking into the necklace, and then you're done!

The "Wash it Out" Banishing Spell

You will need:

Creek stones

An earthen bowl


The purpose of this ritual is to deflect negativity. Fill the bowl nearly full of creek stones, then fill the bowl with water. The chant used here is:

Bowl of reflection
Stones of protection
May the reason of my harm
Feel the power of this charm.
Sisters three come work for me
Bowl detect
Stones deflect
And water reflect
Peace and harmony now come to me.
As I will, so mote it be.

Change the water once a week and renew the chant. Throw the old water on your doorstep. The Sisters of the Wyrrd are incorporated here. The bowl stands for the first sister, she of the past; the stones for the present and second sister; the third action, that of reflection, is the sister of the future.

The Bottle Spell for Protection

Used to neutralize the power of those who intend to do you physical harm, or hurt your reputation, or in any way pose a threat to your security.

You will need:

4 tbsp Frankincense or Myrrh

4 tbsp Black powdered Iron

4 tbsp Sea Salt

4 tbsp Orris-root Powder (or oak moss)

1 white candle

1 bottle with a cork or lid

Mortar and pestle

Parchment Paper

Black Ink or black ballpoint pen

Black thread

Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and the iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on it with black ink:

I neutralize the power of (name of adversary) to do me any harm.
I ask that this be correct and for the good of all.
So mote it be!

Roll up the parchment, tie it with a black thread to bind it, and place it in the bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients. Then take the white candle and while turning the bottle counterclockwise, drip the wax over the cork to seal it.

Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed and no animals or people will dig it up.

This spell is like a genie in a bottle. It should never be unleashed or the power of the spell is lost.


Child Protection Spell

You need:

    A Green Candle
    A Black Candle
    A Protective oil

Start at New Moon and repeat for full cycle of the moon.

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