Friendship spells

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Spell to Make a New Friend

Light a white candle.

Stare into the candlelight while taking three slow deep breaths.

Visualize having a new friend who you love to be around. You two have fun together, share intimate conversations, and tell each other your secrets. See the two of you laughing together and hugging (if you like to hug your friends.)

Hold that picture for as long as you can.


Gracious Goddess, hear my plea,
and bring a new best friend to me.

or if you prefer:

Fire and Rain, Earth and Air
Listen to my urgent prayer
Please bless me with a new best friend,
Someone honest and true until the end.

Write a note to your new friend, telling her how excited you were to meet her. Write it as though it has already happened. Say anything to her that you'd like. Thank her for being such a good friend to you and always being there when you need her.

Read your note at least once a day or more until your new friend arrives. If you'd like, you can keep the letter close to you to remind you to think about her. The more you think about her and visualize having her in your life, the more your vibrations will attract her to you. (Just be sure not to act desperate or needy around people, as that will scare them away.)

Friendship Candle Spell
Spell to Draw New Friends to You


Pink Candle

Good Luck/Friendship Oil

Pink silk ribbon

White Silk Ribbon

Cast the Circle, Arrange altar, Invoke Goddess and God

You will want to anoint the pink candle with Good Luck oil all the while thinking of the friends you want to make.

Imagine yourself laughing with them, going out with them. Really see yourself with them.

After your candle has been anointed, you may light it. At this point you may call out the things that are important to you in a friend: honesty, trust, open mindedness, humor, whatever.

As you light the candle, see the flame as being the energy that burns between any two close friends.

When this is completed, take your two pieces of silk ribbon and weave them together.

Simply winding them around each other will do.

While you do this, think of bringing that friend closer to you.

This binding process is reminiscent of pagan handfasting rituals.

You are binding that friend to you, making them loyal to you, a way any good friend should be.

You do not want to bind a specific person to you, as that kind of magic is harmful since is harms the other person's free will. Only bind the idea of the perfect friend to you.

Once you have done this, tie the ribbon to the base of your candle as best as you can.

The candle's light is a beacon to bring friendship to you and another person.

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