Money spells

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Simple Money Spells

Celtic Knot Magic doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some very simple rituals that might help you increase the overall prosperity in your life. Some are old, some are new, but one thing is certain they are all very superstitious.

Herbs are very well known for the money-drawing properties. Small pots of rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley are money drawing plants that are thought to bring prosperity to your home

A horseshoe nailed above the inside your front door is thought to keep prosperity in and keep poverty out. The idea is that the horseshoe is like a cup that embraces your good fortune.

A bowl of change by the front door is thought to keep money in your pocket. Old or foreign coins are thought to bring money to the home.

Placing a sprig of the herb cinquefoil under your pillow is thought to improve your cash flow.

The saying is "A Bayberry Candle burned to the socket, brings prosperity to the home and money in the pocket." Buy a pre-scented bayberry candle or anoint a green or pink candle with bayberry oil and light it.

Sprinkling a little cinnamon in your wallet is thought to hasten the speedy return of any money that may leave your hands.

A bed of shamrocks planted at the front door is thought to increase money flow and bring good fortune.

Wrap a bill with a large denomination around a piece of mandrake root with an elastic band and place it in your cash register to double your sales.

An acorn that is hollowed out, filled with cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and gold flakes and then sealed with green wax is thought to bring opportunities and financial fortune your way.

Candle Money Spell

Items needed:

2 black candles

Nail, needle, Exacto knife, or other sharp pointed device used to etch candle

An effective candle spell for wealth and prosperity utilizes two black candles since black draws in all color and energy in the universe. Etch your name and the words "money", "wealth", "riches" and any other words of power along the sides of the candles. Then light the candles and grasp them firmly in your hands until you feel your pulse throbbing beneath your fingers, a sign that your aura is mingling with the candles’ auras and that your intentions are firmly grounded in the candles.

Visualize what you want, saying,

"These candles bring me wealth and riches."

"In no way will this spell cause me to suffer any adverse effects!"

When finished, extinguish the flame with a spoon, candle snuffer, or your fingers (not your breath, which will change the spell).

Begin this spell on Sunday, Thursday, or Friday as these days honor the sun, Jupiter, and Venus respectively.

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