Wish Spell to Diana
You may use this only three times in between the new moons.
While gazing at the moon, repeat the following:
"Moon, moon, beautiful moon,
brighter than any star,
Goddess of light and love,
Diana if it might be,
pray bring fortune unto me".
A sign that the spell worked would be coins doubling in the purse or pocket, or seeing a hare before dawn. Note: The spell won't work if done with evil intent.
With the exception of love-magick, wish-magick is perhaps the most popular form of white magick practiced in modern times. it is relatively easy to perform, and can be as simple as wishing on a star, breaking a wishbone, or dropping a coin into a fountain or wishing well.
Many magically minded folks firmly believe in the power of the seven-knob candle (or "wish-candle" as it is sometimes called) to make wishes come true. It is a magickal tool especially popular among practitioners of hoodoo folk magick in the southern regions of the United States.
Seven knob candles are easily obtainable in most occult supply shops and are available in a variety of colors. When used correctly, they can work powerful magick, but be careful what you wish for, as the old expression goes, because you just might get it!
To perform the following wishing spell, you will need a blue seven-knob candle, myrrh oil, and a consecrated athame. Write your wish on each of the seven knobs of the candle. Anoint the candle with the myrrh oil and say:
I consecrate and bless this candle
in the divine name of the Goddess
Let all negativity and hindrance
be cast forth hencefrom.Pick up your athame with your right hand. Place the flat side of the blade on top of the candle and envision magickal energy as a white light flowing from your body through the athame and into the candle. When you begin to actually feel the energy flowing say;
I charge thee now
With magickal power
In the divine name of the GoddessCharge the candle for at least five minutes, return the athame to the altar, and then light the top knob of the wish candle, Say the following incantation seven times;
Seven magick knobs of blue
Make this wish of mine come true.As the candle burns, concentrate upon the thing you desire and visualize yourself already in possession of it. Extinguish the candle after the first knob has burned down, and repeat the entire spell for the next six nights in a row, burning only one knob of the candle each time.
Birthday Wish Spell
Your birthday
Flower plant
Wiccan & Witchcraft spells
SpiritualHere you will find a handbook on wicca and witchcraft spells. All done by me in my notes and complete right away! I hope it is useful for you! ~ Writer Alessia! 🌛🌝🌜 🧙🏻♀️🔮 🧿