first kiss ❤️

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"No, it's okay. That's how it is with injuries…"

When they left the room, she had to grin at Donnie's sarcastic announcement to the others. He really had a sharp mind and a sharp tongue.

So they made their way here, grinning and chuckling when he suddenly stopped and looked at her. With a deeply frightened and questioning look. She knew right away what was going on inside him. He was afraid she would leave. That she would stick to her plan like she always did.

She remembered his family's words to her in the kitchen and his eyes before she lost consciousness.

“I promise.”

And probably for the first time in her life, she relied on others. This family felt so right to her, and she wanted to believe them, as they wanted to keep her here and help her.

And in silent reply to the turtle, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against him. She felt his relief and how he very carefully held her even tighter.

The rest of the way, Donnie couldn't stop smiling.

Now she was sitting on the old operating table in the med lab with a bottle of water, from which she drank in small sips. The pant leg rolled up wide. It's good that the sweatpants were so big and allowed this. She couldn't pull it down to clear the wound because she wasn't wearing underwear. Thank God, she already knew that.

"May I ask you something?" Donnie began while he disinfected and cleaned the wound. He didn't look at her.


“Those scars…?”


“Are these from your escape? When you escaped from the Kuraiko clan?"

"No. Most of them came from training.”

"What kind of training was that?!"

"That's how the Kuraiko clan trains their offspring…"

"They trained you?" he sounded surprised

She sighed and put the bottle aside.

“Oh! Sorry, I… I didn't mean to offend you. I…” he got up to look at her and put swabs and disinfectant aside. She looked away.

"No, it's okay. I'm afraid, any kind of conversation about me ends in concern." 

The turtle sensed her sadness at not belonging anywhere. Not to fit. To be alone.

He realized how lucky he was to have his family, no matter how much they annoyed and infuriated him at times. They were his home, the place where he could and was himself. He shook his head slightly, and she turned her gaze back to him and gave him a questioning look.

"I'm sure we can change that." he said.


"Do you feel the flame too?"

Now she viewed him with wide open eyes. He caught her off guard! Oh, how he watched her! She swallowed, and the flame began to dance with a bright light.

She looked him in the eyes and knew that he knew the answer. He started smiling. A billion butterflies erupt inside her, and she felt herself blush. His smile widened, and his gaze made her head swirl. She suddenly realized how close they were.

"If you don't answer, it's not a conversation," he teased.

Donnie hadn't acted on mere impulse, he had made a quick calculation that it wasn't tactically wise to continue sneaking around the obvious, and figured there was a good chance that asking this question would definitely dispel her sadness. Win-win.

the sweet book of escalation - Donnie NSFW Where stories live. Discover now