to return the like ❤️

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“Oh, I would love to watch that training, though. It's going to be great fun” Donnie grinned as he carried Shiro to the bathroom after she had given up her exhausted limp after a few meters. She had wrapped her arms around his neck and was leaning against his chest. Donnie had to secretly admit that he loved to carry her, and knew he wouldn't get the chance to do so very often in the future.

“I had the element of surprise on my side on the roof. Don't be too quick to judge. You guys are stronger than me." she replied and still felt an irrepressible anticipation rising in her. It had been a long time since she had an equal sparring partner. This is going to be great!

Donnie felt the flame and her joy. He smiled down at her as he carefully set her down in the bathroom, and she held onto him to reach for her toothbrush that was sitting with his. But suddenly she stopped and looked at him in the mirror.

She had just realized something. She and Donnie wouldn't be able to train together. Never. Attacking him seemed unimaginable to her, and she had already experienced the consequences of overriding that intuition.

The turtle noticed her hesitation and looked at her in the mirror where their eyes met. He saw what she was thinking and her wistfulness, and he felt a sting too. Training and martial arts was a passion of both of them, and not being able to pursue it together was an unfortunate reality.

Donnie saw them both standing in the mirror. Shiro was shorter than him, standing up he could kiss her forehead comfortably and if he would lean down towards her… standing so close behind her, he could smell her hair.

"Maybe we can't train together…" he said, looking at her with a challenging gaze. Shiro raised an eyebrow in mock astonishment and grinned.

He tore his gaze away from the mirror and reached up to run his hands through her hair, lifting it up. He could feel her shudder and ran his fingers down the back of her neck. She suddenly grabbed hold of the sink, and he couldn't take his eyes off her neck and shoulders. Everything about her was unspeakably attractive. It was impossible NOT to touch her and once he started, he couldn't stop.

Shiro watched Donnie's gaze, which had changed a lot now as he let it roam over her back. He watched her with a longing that made her wild, and she had to hold on to the edge of the sink, not only because of her injured leg.

He gently took the hair at the back of her head and slowly clenched his hand into a fist. She let out a gasp and her eyes widened. For a moment their eyes met in the mirror as he checked to make sure what he was doing was okay with her, and when he saw nothing but the new in her eyes, she could see the pure desire in his. When he put his free hand on her hip and pulled her towards him, her eyes closed automatically, and she took a quiet, sharp inhalation.

"Donnie… fuck." she blurted out, and he wanted to lose his mind over the way she was saying his name. But he still had scores to settle, so he leaned forward and whispered, 

"Self-control baby" and let go of her hair and waist again.

"Oh damn… you…!"

the sweet book of escalation - Donnie NSFW Where stories live. Discover now