Part 23

758 10 1

Allison's POV

Try outs are in exactly 1 hour which gives me enough time to do my hair, get dressed and walk down to the pitch.

I hop into the shower and wash my hair. I put a conditioner mask on my hair cause it's going brittle recently.

I get out and dry myself and towel dry my hair.

I walk into my room and get dressed in my Slytherin PE kit.

I walk over to my desk and braid my hair.

I walk over to my desk and braid my hair

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I check the time and I have 20 minutes

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I check the time and I have 20 minutes.

I go to the common room where I see literally every boy in Slytherin who are going to try outs.

There's gotta be 60 boys in here and no girls.

I walk over to the couches where I see the group.

"Hey guys" I say when I reach them

"Hey sis. Why are you wearing your kit?" Jake asks

"Cause I'm trying out." I state

"Good luck" Blaise says under his breath

"I will let you know I was captain for Beauxbatons female quidditch team and we won nationals last year"

"Ok ok, don't get you nickers in a twist" Blaise says

"I'm not dealing with you right now" I say turning away from him

I sit down next to Jake.

After 10 minutes the boys slowly start to walk out of the common room to the pitch.

The group follows behind them, I'm walking next to Blaise giving him a what not.

"Why would you say I can't try out?"

"Cause no girl has ever tried out of Slytherin"

"Yeah well that's changing today."

"What position do you play?"

"I'm a seeker"

"Well that's dracos position"

"Yeah but he's not on speaking terms with everyone so"

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