[ 006 ] cabin fever.

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             AT THE SIGHT OF a cabin dead ahead filled them all with a sense of relief as they raced on

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AT THE SIGHT OF a cabin dead ahead filled them all with a sense of relief as they raced on. Could it be? Was this there chance at salvation? Every one of them all hoped desperately, with every fibre in their being that this was it. Someone would be inside and would call for help, allowing them to return to their lives.

"Guys it's here." Shauna suddenly announced in excitement causing all of the group to follow her as she ran ahead towards the wooden building, all of them giddy in the prospect of being rescued.

Taissa was quick to press her face against the window, peering into the room beyond. "I don't see anybody." She uttered.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" Mari yelled, her voice loud and booming. She hoped that maybe someone was inside but perhaps up the stairs or in a back room?

"Please, we need help!" Nola joined in on the calling for help as did many of the others. Their voices carried in the air, most certainly reaching the farthest corners of the cabin though no reply came.

The front door was pushed open after Jackie pressed down on the handle. It opened up and allowed everyone the chance to see into the room. One by one, they all packed into the cabin, each taking in their surroundings.

"Maybe they just went on a hike?" Akilah suggested with a hopeful shrug of the shoulders.

"Yeah, like a decade ago." Jackie retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. With a look of disgust she moved around the room, her nose wrinkled at the sight of cobwebs everywhere. "It reeks in here."

The entire place was covered in spiderwebs. Dust had collected over every surface, wood for the fireplace lay unused in the corner. Above the fireplace was a giant animal skull. Ropes and other survival equipment such as knives, hammers and pick axes were hung up on the walls. All of them covered in years worth of dust.

There was only one real conclusion. This place was more than likely abandoned.

    "You guys, check the pantry. See if there's any food." Taissa advised the group, gesturing towards the pantry off to the side. Her hands fell to her hips as she continued, "Everyone else, look around for stuff we can use. First aid, flashlights, tools."

Everyone fanned out at Taissa's suggestion, beginning to search high and low for anything and everything that could help them. No sooner had they begun to move about till their attention was captured by a pissed off Tai exclaiming, "What the hell? Jackie, that's not your personal buffet."

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