Chapter 14. Regain

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The sound of muffled voices is slowly waking me up. I try to take a look where I am, but my vision is blurry and it makes me dizzy. My headache is still very present. Maybe it's better if I stay here for a little bit. I'm not sure where here is, but I know for sure that I can't move right know. My body feels heavy. I try to focus on the voices, because it sounds like Mattheo and Draco. It sounds like they're far away. I can't really make much sense of it.

"What ..... you mean?" Draco's says.

"She ... worse" Mattheo says. What is worse? She? Is he talking about me. What did I do wrong?

"Blo- ... it's your fault" Draco says sounding angry.

The voices are getting clearer, but my vision is still blurry. I don't think they've noticed that I'm awake.

"How dare you blaming me" Mattheo hisses. Draco doesn't answer.

"Anyway we need to fix this. I'm not sure how yet" Mattheo says calm.

"Just undo the spell" Draco answers.

"No. I've told you already why I won't do that. Stop being such a thick-head" Mattheo says annoyed.

"Whatever. Just fix this as soon as possible" Draco says.

My headache stings for a second and I can't stay quiet.

"She's awake" Draco says.

I hear footsteps getting closer and someone grabbing my hand and another hand on my forehead. It's my brother.

"Hey little bug, how are you feeling?" he says worried. I want to answer, but another stab of pain occurs and I try to hold in a scream.

"Just calm down. That's all you need to do" he says. He starts combing my hair with his fingers and his other hand is still on mine. Draco starts telling me a story like he used to do when I was younger and it slowly calms me down. It's one of the many stories of the children story book.

I open my eyes and my vision is slowly getting clearer. I see Draco sitting next to me and Mattheo standing at the foot of the bed. They both look worried. I understand why my brother is worried, but not why Mattheo is. He just told me this morning that crying doesn't suit me. He can be nice, but sometimes I'm not sure why he says somethings.

"You're okay now" Draco says relieved. I feel my headache fading away. It really worked to calm down.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble Dray" I say.

"You didn't" he says and winks. My headache is completely gone. Thanks to my brother for calming me down. I slowly get up and see that I'm in my pajamas's in my bed. Suddenly I get embarrassed of the thought of Mattheo seeing me like this. I can't look him in his eyes right now. Please leave.

"We'll leave now" Mattheo says. It's like he knows what I need.

"What? Why? She has just woken up. You go, I'll stay" Draco says determined.

"A word Malfoy" Mattheo says and he doesn't wait for Draco to respond. He grabs him by his collar and drags him out of the room. Draco is struggling, but eventually gives in and says "You know where to find me if you need anything."

They've both left my room, but I can't shake the embarrassing feeling off. Why did Mattheo had to see me in my pajama's. I'm not even wearing a bra.


The next few days go by kinda peaceful. Draco brew me a potion to stay calm. Also he advised me not to figure out what happened. He thinks this is what's causing my headaches. He may be right, because I haven't had a headache since I've let it go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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