03- cigarettes and diners

145 5 0

Seattle , Washington
Chris's Point of View

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'fuck.. she actually went outside with me. what do I do??' I thought as she followed behind me out the door. I was grateful she couldn't see my face since it was laced with nervousness and being flustered. As soon as I opened the door on our silent walk through the hallway I took an deep breath inhaling the cold seattle air that hit my face as soon as the doors opened. I felt my blush become less prominent on my face as we leaned against the wall.
I began to take out two cigarettes when she stopped me.
"We can share. Don't waste your cigarettes on me. haha." She chuckled giving me an slight smile whereas all I could do is give an shaky nod and gave her the cigarette. I watched closely as she put the cigarette in between her plump, plum colored lips. For the first time in forever I wished that I was that cigarette.

"Can u light it for me.. I cant really light cigarettes good.." She mumbled giving me an slight smile as I gave her an chuckle.
"Sure lean closer." I smiled as I took my lighter from my pocket. I flicked my green lighter on and moved it towards the cigarette between her lips. I gazed at her face as the cigarette lit her face up defining her face and showing more of her features.The more I looked into her brown almond eyes and she looked into my grey eyes I felt the tension and my blush rise and I quickly switched the lighter off and moved back to my side of the wall.

"So whats your name?" She asked looking over at me and handing me the cigarette that I gladly took an puff out of.

"Chris whats yours?" I replied as I passed the cigarette to her.


"Well its nice to meet you Josephine. Beautiful name might I add."

"Thank you Chris. Your name is Beautiful too.. Well handsome."

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Its been an good 30 minutes we've been standing outside. the cigarette we shared has been went out but instead of just going back inside we continued to talk. We talked about anything and everything; we had so much in common it almost scared me. It was almost like she was my perfect match and For some reason being around her made me nervous. It made me feel like I was in school again with an silly crush.

"Chris do you feel that..?" She asked as I began to feel rain patter on my shoulder.
"Shit.." I mumbled as the rain began to fall harder. I ran over to the door trying to open it but somebody fucking locked it thinking nobody was outside. I banged on the door until I heard an laugh. I turned over to see Josephine soaked in rain laughing at my attempts.
"Whats so funny Josephine?" I asked fighting an smile and she continued to laugh.
"Well one you look hilarious soaked and two were not gonna get back in so we need to get somewhere." She laughed as I Started to laugh too.
"Theres an diner down the street. If we run we could get there quick." I told her as she nodded and took my hand. I felt myself get warm from her soft touch and softly tightened my grip on her hand to which she happily complied with.

"Ready.. Set.. RUN!" I exclaimed as we began to run towards the diner that was around an block or two away.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

We entered the diner the ringing of the bell going through my ear as we walked in completely soaked. We took an seat across from each other and the waitress came to us.

"Do you guys need anything? well besides from an umbrella and towels." The lady chuckled in an country accent.

"Erm. U like coffee Josephine?" I asked looking over to her.
"Yea I like coffee." She replied as I turned over to the waitress
"Two coffees please..And the umbrella... and Towels." I said as she gave us an toothy smile and walked off.

"Hey I love this song!" Josephine exclaimed as
'Hey Jude." started to play.

"Really?" I questioned as she looked over at me.

"When I was younger This is actually the first kind of rock song I've heard before." She smiled
"No way this was mine too!" I replied in shock as she seemed to give me an bigger smile

"Well what are we waiting for?? lets dance!" She exclaimed grabbing my hand as we both got up. We started to dance and we didn't care about the people watching us; Sure we looked like fucking crazy people since we were soaked wet and dancing crazily to an beatles song in some random diner in on an rainy seattle night. But honestly, People didn't care if anything it seemed like they were smiling at us.  The entire time we danced I couldn't keep my eyes off her even with all the people looking at us.
I just gazed at her admiring her beauty. She seemed so shy and to herself but in this moment she was in-front of plenty of people she didn't know dancing around. She started to sing along to the Na-NaNa-Na part and So did I. Once we finished we ended up getting applauses from people in the diner. We both sat down in our diner smiling at each-other like idiots.

"You two are such an cute couple. Im an matchmaker in my free time and I can tell you two will be together for an long long time." The waitress said as she handed us our coffee,towels and umbrellas

"Actually we're not together.. we just met tonight.." I mumbled as Josephine nodded. It felt so weird saying that statement;In just the few hours we've known eachother I felt closer to her than anyone else; Strangely I even felt closer to her then my own brothers and sisters. And every time we touch it feels like electricity shoots through my body. This girl is doing something weird to me...


"Heres the money." Josephine smiled at the waiter as I quickly looked over at her

"I was going to pay! An Lady should never have to pay!" I sighed getting up as she shot me an smile.
"Fine then How about you take me out another day. It can be anywhere you please." Josephine shyly smiled as I felt myself get warm and shoot her an toothy smile back.

"I would love that!" I exclaimed as gave me an look and an smile that I couldn't decipher.
"Im gonna head home now Chris. Heres my number." She Replied writing down her number on my hand with the pen from the door.

"Bye Chris call me soon. I had an amazing time and I hope we can hang out again." She smiled as I replied

"I had an amazing time as-well Josephine. You truly are something.. But uhm Ill call you uh tomorrow!"

ps: I do not promote smoking ! do not smoke guys or else!! >:((((((( ALSO im sorry if this is bad I literally wrote half of this at like 1 am

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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