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The story inspired by the POV on Youtube. I made the added POV in the comments and people requested a fanfic about it, so here we are. :)

Here is the video link if anyone wants to watch it:

Video belongs to RiddlePovs⚕on YouTube

If you guys want to find the extra POV I made then you'll have to find the comment on your own because its too long to be out in the info section, and I just don't want to. That is, unless I put it in the comments on this fic which is up to future me.


Y/n = Your name

Y/l/n = Your last name

H/c = Hair color

Y/n is three years behind Harry and the rest, two year behind Ginny and Luna, and five years behind Fred and George.

I wasn't planning on having a love interest for this story but as I was writing, Draco ended up being it. I'm sorry if your not a fan of Draco, I didn't mean for this to happen but I'm just such a romance fan(#hoplessromantic) I needed something to entertain me as I wrote. Draco and Y/n's relationship also takes up most of the story.



There will be lots of big time jumps. I din't plan on making this a full on story(or making a story at all). So there's a lot of time skips, because I'm really just trying to get to the main part(iykyk). We'll go from the beginning of year 1 to a few months into it, to the end of it. 


And it's harder because since Y/n is a few years behind Harry and everyone else in his year there's not much to do for the classes, so there wont be many class scenes, and if there are they wont be long.

Y/n is female and I'm so so sorry to my male readers who read the POV, I'm so used to writing Y/n as female it's kinda sunken in, if you can, ignore it? By the time your seeing this I'm too far in to go back and change every bit. Once again I'm so sorry to my male readers.


Hope you enjoy!

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