Chapter 4

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I woke up in the morning to Reg licking my hand.

"Oh my gosh... we've got to go!" I shout, intermediately getting out of bed.

I run around my room putting my clothes on and getting ready to head out.

"I can't believe you didn't wake me up earlier!" I shout to Reg from the bathroom.

I check the time, its 9:43. "It takes like an hour to get there!" I run out of the bathroom, grab my trunk, and bags and head downstairs.

I put waffles in the toaster in get food for Reg. "You have until my waffles come out to finish." I say, he continues to slowly eat his food.

The waffles pop out of the toaster and I turn to Reg who has finished his food. "Great, let's go." I say, heading out the door.


We make it to Kings Cross Station at 10:50.

"Shit, shit shit, how do we get there..? Platform 9¾ where the hell is that?" I look down at Reg. "Reg please I need your help, we're gonna be late."

Reg stares up at me and walks to the brick wall between platform 9 and 10. He runs and goes into the brick wall.

"...Reg?" I say with a bit of panic. "Reg?!" I shout louder, people now staring at me.

I ignore the people staring and run through the wall like he did. Instead of running into the wall, I made it to another station.

I saw the train and a man yelling "Five minuets till Hogwarts Express Departs!"

"Ok Reg lets go." I say to him and we start heading to the train.

We get on the train and I find an empty compartment to sit in with Reg.

I feel stupid, all the kids around me seem so innocent and actually young, and I feel a lot older and mature even though we're all the same age.

The train departs and I sit there with Reg.

"Oh hey it's you again." I hear a familiar voice say.

I look up and see Fred and George standing there. "Hey guys." I smile.

"You're in here all alone?" George asks. 

"No, I have Reg, I'm not alone." I state.

"Reg is.. the cat?" Fred says, looking down at Reg.

"Yes, and he's very dear to me."

"Ok, ok, no need to get defensive." Fred puts his hands above his head.

"Your very beautiful." George says.

I look up at him with a smile. "What?" I laugh.

"He's got a point." Fred smiles.

I feel my face get a little red. "Oh my gosh.." 

I hear the twins laugh a bit.

"We'll leave you, see you later." Fred says and they walk away.

I see Reg looking at me. "Don't worry, I don't plan on falling in love with them." I say. "Or anyone."

I lay down on the seat and take a nap.


I wake up when the train stops. I look out the window, but we're not at Hogwarts yet.

"Reg...?" I look back at Reg who's looking out the door.

The air on the train gets cold and then a hooded figure comes to our door, its a dementor.

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