Chapter 11

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Draco's POV

Life's been boring at home and I just want to go back to school. Fathers being a prat like always.

"Draco sweetie we're going to Diagon Alley today!" I hear my mother shout from downstairs.

"Got it!" I shout back to her.

I walk over to my wardrobe to pick out buy outfit.

"Maybe Y/n will be there." I say to myself. "Maybe I should look good for her," I look at a black tux. "Nah, that's too much, I think she likes me more when I'm not too fancy..."

I grabbed a white tee, black jacket, and some jeans and laid them on my bed, taking off my pj bottoms.


We arrived at Diagon Alley but I don't see her, what I do see the Weasleys and their red hair.

I stare at them a little too long and Ron waves at me, I smile back and lightly wave my hand. 

"Draco." My dad says in his stern voice. "What. Was. That?"

"What was what?" I play dumb.

"The.. Weasley boy... waved to you. Why?"

"We became friends last year." I state.

"Last year?" He looks at me disgustedly. 

"Yeah." I say, looking away. "Give me my list I'll get going."

I walk off with the list and into Flourish and Blotts.


Its been about 15 minutes and no Y/n. I've gotten everything I need but I don't want to head back. Not with the chance she could come.

I start walking over to Ollivanders when I see a familiar h/c hair.

I walk up to her and tap on her shoulder. 

"Yes-? Draco!" Y/n hugs me, her arms around my neck. "How's it going? I've missed you." She pulls away.

"I've been good, yeah. I've missed you too. How has your summer been?" I ask.

"Ugh, boring. I have nothing to do! I live alone with Reg which is fine-"

"'Alone'?" I ask. 

"Yeah.. it's just me and Reg."

I look down at Reg who's sitting next to her feet. "Your taking care of her?" I ask, he flicks his right ear, yes.

"I can take care of myself don't worry." She laughs.

I sigh, "We'll talk about this later. Wanna get food?" She nods.


Finally my last hug from my mom, thank Merlin.

"Bye sweetie, I love you." She kisses my forehead.

"Love you too." I say as she lets go.

I grab my trunk and head to the train.

I sit down in the Slytherin carriage alone.


The train has left by now and we're about 25 minuets in.

"Oh my gosh!" I jump in my seat as a furry thing moves across my legs, its Reg. He walks to the end of the carriage, wanting me to follow. I sigh and get up.

He leads me into the Gryffindor carriage and I get dirty looks from everyone.

"Draco!" I hear Y/n shout at she opens a apartment door with the trio sitting inside.

"Hey, you asked Reg to get me?" I ask.

"Thought it would be more fun." She smiles.

I sit down next to her, the trio across from us.

"Hey Draco." Harry smiles. 

"Hello Harry, you um.. doing better?" I ask, remembering last time I saw him he had seen Voldermort himself.

"Yeah, much better." He smiles.


"Night Y/n." I wave as she walks off to her common room.

We just finished dinner and now its time for bed.

5th year is gonna be fun.

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