Chapter 1

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TW: Some scenes are related to child abuse

Mother and I were walking back home after spending the day at the lake. Reg was with us too, he always is. The sun was going down and we were about to cross the street when someone shouted, "There she is!"

Mothers head whipped around, to see what was going on, the Ministry of Magic was runnig up to us.

"Y/n run!" Mother shouted at me. "Hurry! Take Reg with you! He'll show you the back way to the house so you won't be followed! Go! Now!" She said hurriedly.

Reg looked up at me, his black fur made him harder to see since the sun was going down, but I knew he wouldn't leave me.

I followed Reg as he took us on a trail that I've never been on. I looked back to see if mother was following but she wasn't, all I heard were spells being cast.

Eventually Reg and I made it to the house. We walked in and I immediately sat down, Reg sitting on my lap.

I couldn't think of why the Ministry was after her until Reg looked up at me with his emerald green eyes, then, it hit me.

One Year Ago

Y/N's Mothers POV

I entered the house but instead of having Y/n run up to me to greet me all I heard were screams coming from upstairs. I quickly dropped my bag and ran upstairs. I saw Reg sitting outside the door to my husbands office, he looked scared.

I walked up to the door, it was locked.

"Alohomora!" I shouted.

I quickly opened the door to be horrified by the sight of Y/n laying on the ground, blood dripping out of her head.

"It's not what it looks like-" My husband said, looking back at me with his wand in his hand.

"You did this to her?" I said, anger raising in my voice.

"She deserved it!" He shouted back.

I don't know what came over me. It was anger filled with me wanting to protect Y/n. I raised my wand up at him and shouted, "Avada Kadavra!"

A green light flashed out of my wand and then it finally hit me.

I had killed my husband.

I knew the Ministry of Magic would be here any minute, I would have to go to Azkaban. But I knew I had to help Y/n.

I ran over to Y/n, tears were coming out of her eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok, its ok." I said, trying to comfort her, wiping the blood off her forehead. "Accio medic bag!" I shouted, pointing my wand out the door. The medic bag appeared by my side and I took out the white gauze and started wrapping it around her head.

"Miss Y/l/n?" I heard a man shout from inside the house.

"Shit.." I whispered. "Reg go get some clothes from Y/n's room!" I whispered to Reg, he quickly ran out the door to Y/n's room. I ran to my room quietly so the Ministry wouldn't hear me and grabbed a bag and filled it with clothes and money. I ran back and Reg was sitting there with some of Y/n's clothes.

"Good boy." I said while putting the clothes into the bag.

I walked back into the room with Y/n and sat down next to her, Reg sitting beside me. That's when the Ministry walked into the room.

"Miss Y/l/n I'm afraid you'll have to come with us. You have used one of the Unforgivable Curses, meaning you'll be going to Azkaban."

I held the bag in my hands and grabbed onto Reg and Y/n. I apperated away to a cottage, quickly putting my hood up. I walked up to the cottage and put my hand on the doorknob, the door opening. 

This house had been my parent's getaway house. It's on the border of the muggle world and not so far away from it is a tunnel leading into Diagon Alley. My parents left it to me in their will when they died.

Y/n, Reg, and I will be living here from now on.


I'm just going to tell you guys who Reg is.

Reg(iykyk) is a cat. He's a black ragdoll cat with emerald eyes.

I'm hoping that clears things up. When I was coming up with ideas for the story I just really wanted to add him and I knew instantly I was going to name him Reg.

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