Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

3rd year is hell.

But thank Merlin we're over half way through with.

"Draco, put this in perspective, Umbridge was also in Slytherin." I say.

"Ew, shut up right now." He says. "I didn't need to know that."

I laugh. "Speaking of, I have her next." I say.

"Oh, well have fun." He says as we get to Umbridges room.

"No don't leave me." I whine.

"Goodbye Y/n." He says in a singsong voice as he walks away.


"Class dismissed." Umbridge says in her most annoying voice.

"Finally" I groan.

We did absolutely nothing but listen to her talk.

"Y/n we have the Yule ball next year!" Romilda squeals.

"Yeah but that's like a year away." I say. "Calm down."

"But I'm so excited! You liked it, and you'll get to go again. You lucky girl." 


"What's going on?" I ask Draco as we follow everyone else outside.

"Umbridge is firing Trelawney." He says.

"She can't do that!" I protest. "Not with Dumbledore here."

We get out to the courtyard and see Trelawney with her bags next to her and Umbridge talking.

"Hogwarts is my home." Trelawney cries. 

Umbridge says something but I can't hear.

"What did she say?" I ask Draco.

Draco shrugs.

I scoff. "Your no help."

Dumbledore comes out doors and speaks to Umbridge who gets all mad and storms off.

Professor McGonagall takes Trelawney back in. 

Everyone walks away.

"I hate Umbridge so much."

"We all do." Draco says as we walk off.

"Besides Filch, he's practically in love with her."

We both start laughing.


"Miss Y/l/n, you need to get going." Ms. Prince says.

"Huh.. oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I say standing up.

I had been studying in the library and fell asleep apparently.

"Thank you Ms. Prince." I say walking off with my books and Reg.

The hallways are empty as I walk down to my room. The moon is reaching its full height tonight and Reg is at my feet. 

"Ehem." A high pitch voice sqeaks.

I stop in my tracks, lean my head back and quietly groan as I turn to face none other than Delores Umbridge.

"Yes Professor?" I ask, a bit of an attitude.

"Why are you up so late?" She asks with iconic snarky voice.

"I accidentally fell asleep in the library, Ms. Prince woke me." I say, slouching a bit.

She waves her wand and my posture straightens. "Students shouldn't be out this late, what were you doing?" She asks again.

"I fell asleep in the library and now I'm heading back for my dormitory," I repeat. 

"It's 9:58," she says. "You need to be in your room in 2 minutes,"

"Yes, and I would be if you hadn't stopped me-"

"Why are you still up?"

I pause. "I fell asleep in the Library, Ms. Prince can comfirim-"

"I don't care what Ms. Prince says, just be honest." She interrupts me.

"I am." I raise my voice.

"Do not raise your voice at me." She raises her.

"Sorry.." I mumble.

I hear the clock tower in the distance, its 10:00.

"Look a that, your breaking the rules," She smirks.

"What- no I was talking to you, you were holding me back! Stopping me from getting to my room on time-."

"Thats a detention," She looks at her nails. "Come with me Miss Y/l/n." She starts walking.

"But I didn't do anything wrong! This is your fault!"

She stops, waves her wand and I start moving behind her, unable to control myself.

Reg starts hissing and I start trying to wiggle free, obviously useless.


We arrive at her office and she sits me down, at this point I've given up trying to wiggle free and was just floating there, Reg gave up too and was sitting next to me.

"Now, use that quill on the desk and write, "I mustn't break rules." She says, sitting down.

"How many times?" I groan. 

She looks up, thinking. "Just until it sinks in." She smiles at me.

I start writing, not sure why I'm doing this. That bitch.. I look up at her. I hate her.

Ive written it about 10 times and as I start on my 11th my hand starts hurting. I continue writing but my non-dominant hand hurts even more, I look at it and words are forming.

"I mustn't break rules"  Appears on my hand in my hand writing.


"Has it sunken in yet?" She asks.

"Yes." I sigh.

"You may go now." She says, the door opening.

I quickly get up, Reg following me, and leave the room.

I walk up the stairs to the tower, rubbing my hand. 

How long will it last? I wonder.

I enter my dorm and Hermione runs up to me. "Where were you?"

"I feel asleep in the library and as I was heading back Umbridge stopped me and started talking to me, telling me how I should been in my dorm already, and she kept me out so she could give me a detention for being out at 10!" I yell.

"That bitch!" Ginny gasps.

"And she made me write 'I must't break rules' until this happened!" I show them my hand.

They both gasp. "You have to tell someone!" Hermione says.

"Any other Professor would listen to Umbridge, besides, I was technecly up late-"

"Because she kept you up!" Ginny states.

"I just wanna go to bed." I sigh, getting my clothes on.

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