Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

-Skip to 2nd year(Harry's 4th)-

"Fred asked me to the Yule Ball!" Angelina Johnson giggles.

"Congrats!" Romilda Vane, Katie Bell and I cheer.

"I'm so excited- I need a dress!" She panics.

"The ball's in a week! You'll be fine, we can go shopping latter." Katie says, calming Angelina down.

"I want to go to the ball..." Romilda wines.

"Two years Romilda, two years." I pat her on the back.

Since my second year started me and Romilda Vane have been hanging out a lot more. Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell also started letting us hang out with them. They're both really nice.

Since the Yule Ball has been announced its all students can talk about. Of course, third years and lower cant go, so all I've been hearing is a ton of whining.

"I wan't to go too, but we're not allowed to go." I tell Romilda. "We'll have to suffer together." I joke.

"If you can get a fourth year or someone older to ask you you can go to the ball." Katie states.

"Really?" Romilda gets excited.

"Really?" I question.

"Yeah," Katie says. "But it doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes younger students try to impress a students who can go so they would take them. It's really funny."

"Guess I'll be doing that." Romilda laughs.

"Romilda!" I laugh, pushing her.


"He asked me!"


From every side of me there's people talking about the ball. It's crazy.

"Hey Y/n," Astoria joins me. "Hey Reg."

"Hey Astoria, how's it going?" 

"If people could stop talking about the ball that would be great."

I laughed. "Honestly."

"Pansy wont stop talking to me about how Draco hasn't asked her to the ball yet, its annoying as hell!"

"Parkinson?" I ask.

She nods. "She thinks every time he walks into the room he'll have a band playing behind him and ask her, its crazy."

"She really does think everything's about her." I sigh.

We enter the Dining Hall for lunch, only to hear more Yule Ball chattter.

"Why can't we escape it?" I groan, sitting down with Astoria.

"Hello girls," Hermione sits down across from us. "How's your day going?"

"Horrible," I add food onto my plate.

"Annoying." Astoria does the same.

"Whats wrong?"

"The Yule Ball." I say.

"It's all people talk about!" Astoria says, annoyed.

"Oh, well, can't help you there." Hermione laughs.

"Hey Y/n," 

I turn around and see Draco standing there. "Hey Dray," I smile. 

"Can I sit with you?" He asks.

"Of course." 

He sits down. "I think Pansy wants me to ask her to the Yule Ball." 

"Really? That's crazy." I say sarcastically.

"She bugs me about it all the time." Astoria says.

"Sorry about that." Draco adds food to his plate.

"At least you get to go to the ball," I say before taking a bite of my food.

"You want to go?" Draco and Hermione both say.

"Yeah," I say like it was obvious. "I just have to wait two more years, it's fine." I smile.

Draco stays silent, nodding his head, eating his food.

"That's true, only two years." Hermione says.

"I didn't know you wanted to go." Astoria says.

"Yeah well, I do."


The Yule Ball is coming up in three days. The students that are attending are so excited.

Hermione and I are walking down the hallway, heading for the courtyard.

"Who are you going with?" I asked Hermione.

"Can you keep a secret?" She asked.

"Of course." I smile.

Hermione leans in and whispers to me. "Viktor Krum." She says.

I let out a big gasp. "Hermoine!"

She nods her head happily.

"Congrats! That's what every girl wants!"

"I know!" She says excitedly.

We walked out and see Draco sitting up in his tree, again.

"Oh, Y/n!" He says, jumping down.

"Hey Draco, whats up?"

"I uh- wanted to ask you if you'd go to the Yule Ball with me?"

I stared at him, shocked.

"It's allowed!" He says sounding panicked. "If a fourth year or higher asks a students younger to attend its allowed!" He says, quickly.

"Yeah I know," I say. "I'd love to go to the Yule Ball with you." I smile.

"Really?" He says happily.

"Of course." I say excitedly.

Malfoy's friends behind him start clapping and cheering for him.

"I'll uh, see you later?" He says, still awkward. 

"Yeah, see you later." I say, holding back my smile.

As Draco and his friends turned away Hermione turned me towards her.

"Y/n!" She cheered. "Congrats! We need to get you a dress!"

I was smiling like a lunatic. "Yeah, we do." I said laughing.


"Y/n!" I heard Astoria come screaming down the Dining Hall.

She reached me and gave me a huge hug, causing me to fall back on the bench.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked helping me up.

"I was busy with Hermione, but I mean hey, you found out."

"When can we go shopping?" She asks.

"Hermione and I are going tomorrow, I wanted yo ask you to come."

"And I'm coming!" She sits next to me. "Pansy's furious." She laughs.

"I bet she is." I grin.

"Your her mortal enemy now, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I do." I laugh. "That's too bad though."

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