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     "Ummm... Lemme get a numba 5, a numba 3, and lets do a numba 8 to even it out," Day yelled into the drive thru mic. She sat on the passenger side stretching over Nelly to reach the window.

     "Awww, you aint have to order for us," Y'all decided to stop at your favorite fast-food place before going back to your house. You were supposed to go to the arcade but Ty insisted on waiting for him for another day. So instead, y'all agreed on having a movie night.

     "No bitch. This for me. Order your own food." Day said giving stank face towards the backseat where you sat. You could hear the worker trying to hold his laugh through the mic.

     You rolled down your window sticking your head out, "Ain shit funny." You flicked off the LED menu before ordering your own food.

     "It's ok pookie, I kno you wanna laugh," Day stuck her tongue out You kicked her seat making her almost fall on Nelly.

     "I hate you"

     "Love you too"

     Chanelle and Daysha were like sisters to you. You knew each other like the back of your hand and did almost everything together. You couldn't imagine a world without them. You could barely even go a day without texting them.

     You met Chanelle in pre-k right before she moved to Chicago in the 1st grade. Coming back in middle school, you two hated each other. Chanelle's hot temper didn't mix well with middle school you. Back then, you were focused on being the model student and would constantly nag her for arguing with the other students. But somehow after the many fights and the very long detention together, you two became inseparable.

     Her curly hair from middle school grew into a bigger fro which she had tied into a slick back ponytail now. She was amazingly pretty but often spoke her mind which gave her the "bitch" reputation. But even though she may have a quick mouth, Nelly was honestly the best once you get to know her.

     You and Daysha met in 3rd grade when she pushed a girl off the swing she stole from you. You kept to yourself in elementary, mostly due to your mom leaving in the first grade. Scared of her at first, you avoided her attempts to get close to you. Which you guess made her feel bad because after weeks of hiding from her, you eventually found a handmade note on your desk apologizing. After that, you opened up and have been friends ever since.

     Day was also on the cheer team like you. Her locs, which have been dyed every color in the book, were now a deep purple which she wore down today. Day could get along with anybody (except Chance). Her pretty smile and fun-loving personality made people feel welcomed.

     Nelly ordered before moving up in the line. "By the way, Rea who jacket is that?" She turned back to tug on the sleeve of the jacket that was zipped around you.

     "Mhm cause I kno that aint Ty's. I gave you a hug earlier and that shit smelled like expensive nigga," Day added in.

     You knew they were eventually going to ask about it. They always caught on to things like this. You started to think you were a bad liar, but you just have some nosy ass friends. When you and Ty first started talking, you agreed to keep it a secret to prevent it being weird for the group. But barely a week passed before they caught on, which led to a two-hour interrogation between you three.

     You weren't planning on wearing it at first. You could tell it was an expensive jacket and were surprised he even gave it to someone he just barely met. But after seeing how much paint got onto you, you thought it was better than walking with a green mess splattered on you. Plus, it didn't help that it looked amazing on you.

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