Shade 7 ~ Paint

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I opened my eyes and slowly blinked them to adjust my vision. I was in my room laying on my stomach on the mattress and my eyes went to the side table at the clock.

8:24 am.

Turning to lie on my back, I groaned and cursed when my head throbbed. I sat on my bed and pressed the sides of my head with both hands, but nothing worked. I tried to remember how I ended up here and abruptly, flashbacks of last hit my head like a hammer.


Never have I ever.

Me getting drunk.

Then there were a few more which were hazy, but enough to make me drown in mortification.

Colton carried me to the car.

I vomited in the SUV and on Colton.

Then again, I vomited in the bathroom when we reached home. Someone was holding my hair and soothing my back.

“Fuck.” I groaned and clenched my hair tightly.

My eyes went to the clothes I was wearing. Someone helped me change too.

“Please kill me.”

I flinched when there was a soft knock on the door and it opened without waiting for me to answer.

“You’re up.” Caroline beamed and sat on the bed. “Here I bought you medicine. It’ll help with the hangover.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled, taking the pill and gulped it down with the water. “I needed that.”

“Good.” She giggled.

“What?” I narrowed my eyes at her smile. She was giving me a look like she knew something I didn’t.

“Nothing.” She coughed, trying to cover her laugh.

“What did I do?” I sighed in frustration.

“Well... You did a lot of things. But they were cute.”

“Cute?” My face scrunched. “Callie, I vomited in the SUV.”

“And on Colt, which was hilarious.” She burst out laughing.

“How am I going to face him now?” I buried my face in my hands.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ve done that a lot of times.” She snickered. “I’m sure Colton is used to it by now.”

“And the SUV?”

“Hunter took it to the Carwash.”

“It was his car, right?” I peeked through my hands and saw her nodding. “He must be pissed.”

“More like amused.” She smirked.

“Please tell me I said nothing embarrassing.”

“You were slurring, so we didn’t get half of it.”

“And the other half?”

“You told us the story of how you caught your parents doing...” She wiggled her brows. “You know what.”

Good, I didn’t babble the things I shouldn’t.

“Who changed my clothes?”

“Scarlett and I.” My brows rose in surprise.

I had no idea Scarlett was this helpful.

“I owe you two.”

“Oh, don’t sweat it.” She waved her hand in dismissal.

“What happened to the game?”

“Well... The majority were drunk.”

“I lost the game.” I leaned my back on the bedhead.

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