Shade 24 ~ Jealousy

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“Colton? What happened?” I looked alarmed at the still screen and then back at him.

“We did it...” He jerked up from his seat with a grin on his face and pumped his fists in the air. “We did it!”

“What?” My stiff shoulders relaxed and a squeak of excitement left my lips. “Yes! Yes! You did it, Colton!”

We both cackled like teens who had just won a high school game. He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck, giggling as he spun us.

“You are amazing!” I exclaimed when he put me down.

“That’s what they all say.” He gave me a smug grin, and I smacked his arm while laughing.

I can’t believe this!

“They can’t track you, right?”

“They could have.” He winked. “But now that everything is gone. There’s nothing to track down.”

“Let me see.” I took my phone out of my pocket and searched the webpage on Google.

The link popped open, but there was nothing but a black screen. A mischievous grin took over my face and I couldn’t help the evil laugh that was erupting from me.

Take that you Ryan Fucking Freeman!

I wish I could see the look on his face when he found out about his website getting shut down out of the blue.

“It’s time to celebrate our victory!” He exclaimed as he opened his room door. “I have done nothing this intense in my whole life and fuck, it felt good.”

“I’m glad you get to enjoy it.” I gave him an appreciative smile. “Thank you so much for this.”

“Oh, don’t worry.” He walked out of the room backward with me following him. “Call me anytime and I’ll be there to save the-“

“What’s going on here?” Colton tensed at the voice.

He moved around and Caroline came into view. She darted her eyes between us and then stopped her burning gaze at Colton.

“What the fuck are you doing Colt?!” She stormed towards him. “I thought I already warned you to stay away from her!”

Colton panicked and put his hands in front of him as if defending himself from Caroline’s upcoming attack. “Let me explain-“

“You fucking bastard!” She smacked his arm, making him yelp in pain. “You could have any girl but still-“

“Callie, it’s not what you think.” I interrupted her rant, knowing what she must have thought about seeing me coming from his room. “Colton was only showing me his room and his computer setup.”

“Oh...” She calmed a little and side glanced at Colton.

“That’s exactly what happened.” Colton bobbed his head, looking terrified.

“Thank God.” She let out a breath of relief and I might be overthinking, but Caroline seemed a little... Jealous.

“So... Where were we?” Colton asked, cutting the awkward silence.

“Celebrating our victory.” I answered, and Caroline’s brows knitted in confusion. “Colton and I were playing a game on his computer, and we defeated the bad guy.”

“Yup.” Colton pressed his lips tightly as he looked at me. “We defeated the big boss.”

“If you both want to celebrate, there’s a frat party tonight,” Caroline said, looking at her phone. “Hunter texted that he’ll be there with Rachel. Scarlett and Rio won’t be coming since they have a tattoo appointment tonight.”

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