Shade 38 ~ Orphan

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"Hey! Get down!" The men shouted and, putting my phone in my pocket, I dashed towards the corner from where I got up.

I heard the men yelling from the other side and I knew if I climbed down the pipeline, they'd catch up to me. Without wasting another second, I jumped on the trash can. I tried to balance it, but it fell and I slammed into the street.

I groaned in anguish when my body collided with the ground and pain shot up my elbow and leg.

"There he is!" My eyes snapped open when the two men entered the passage and I quickly got to my feet, sprinting away from them. "Stop right there!"

Nice joke!

I ran towards the other side of the street, and two men came after me. I internally thanked Hunter for making me run because if I hadn't been in shape, I would have been dead by now.

Aimlessly running around the dark side street, I tried to slip away from the men, but they wouldn't give up. I turned to my left and noticed it was the lane where I came from. I thought of going back to the arena, but I knew it would be a mistake.

I glanced back and saw the men still pursuing me. Cursing my luck, I ran towards the parking lot, thinking I could get away in my car, but it was too obvious. So I whirled into the route between the shops and from there I was about to take a right turn, but out of the blue someone grabbed my hand and yanked me.

I was about to cry out, but a hand covered my mouth, and an arm wrapped around my waist. My back came in contact with something hard and whoever it was dragged me further into the alley.

From the muscles that gripped me, I knew it was a guy. I put my hands on his arm and tried to pull them off my mouth as I kicked my legs. He slipped to the ground with me on top of him behind the trash trolley and I stopped struggling when I heard the two men.

I held my breath when their voices came closer and I saw their shadows as they ran past the alley, not noticing us behind the trolley.

My shoulders relaxed a little, but I tensed again when I felt the guy behind me move.

"Let me go." I muffled under his hand, covering my mouth, and bit it.

"Fuck!" He screamed but didn't let go of me. "I was unaware that you had a fondness for biting Bella." He said, making me pause.

Wait... Bella?

I deliberately turned my head and came face to face with Hunter. It was dark in the alley but I could still make out of bruised face since we were so close.

Speaking of proximity, I noticed he was sitting on the ground with me on his thigh and my back leaning on his chest. He took his hand off my mouth while keeping the other on my waist.

"Who would have guessed that you were into kinky stuff?" He said, examining my marks on his hand and his heat crawled up to my neck at his comment.

I shook my head and narrowed my eyes at him. "It's your fault for grabbing me like that, asshole. I almost had a heart attack."

"Oh, sorry that I just saved you." He matched my glare.

"I didn't ask for your help. I was doing fine."

"Fine, as in running around the unfamiliar streets with two men trailing behind you." He said deadpan, and I turned my face away from him.

"Yeah-Well. I got away, didn't I."

He scoffed. "You're unbelievable."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and was about to get up from him, but he stopped me with his arm.

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