chapter 1 Rain, Flowers, & Pillow Feathers

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In a town ironically called half and whole, it hardly ever rained, so when I had woken up to the sound of the heavy downpour of rain outside my window, I was unsurprisingly shocked! Now, one would probably think this to be a miracle, considering my field of work is to grow crops of both vegetables and flowers. On paper, it was! But upon seeing the heavy stacks of already dead flowers piled up on the front porch, ready to be made into something of better use, and the low to the ground area me and my parents lived in, I bet one could probably see the problem with the amount of rain right away!

This was why, as soon as had seen the rain pelting down, I'd immediately exclaimed:

"Mother. I am not going to be going to school in that weather. There's no way you could make me."The exasperation evident in every word spoken, for I was still very much in shock at the seemingly out of place weather.

My mother was having none of that however, and gave me that look. You know, the one where it looks like she's sizing you up for a fight and wondering if you're even slightly sound of mind?. Ya. That look. Never a look one would want to have directed at them, I'll tell you that much.

(Not finished! Just a check in to see who my target audience is!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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