Class 222

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"Ah we're so fucked!" Melanie squealed while laughing.
"In how many ways..?" I said jokingly with a big smirk on my face. Melanie's mouth gaped open and she couldn't hold back her smile.
"Save it for recess!" She giggled as she slapped my arm.
"Ow! Wait...! So at recess then...?" I muttered.
"NO- I-......Y/N-" Melanie was blushing like crazy.
"Save yelling my name for recess Melanie..." I said laughing my ass off.
"OH MY GOD LETS JUST GO TO CLASS!" She giggled while dragging me upstairs.

"Alright, 219, 221,...." We both sighed and looked at the last door.
"222." We said in sync. We looked at each other, and walked in.
The first person I noticed was that bleached Barbie doll sitting in the back.
"Not Kellyyyyy!" I moaned in my head. Kelly was the girl who told the blue boy to throw the paper plane at Melanie's head. She was looking down at her desk, when she looked at us. Her eyes grew annoyed and angry. Melanie looked super uncomfortable as Kelly stared at her in annoyance. I saw her eyes water and I grabbed her hand.
"It's okay Mel. You're okay." I whispered in her ear. I let go of her hand and she looked at me and smiled.
"That nickname came out so natural. I didn't even think of it." I thought to myself in a realization tone.

"Class. Would you like to remind Melanie and Y/N of one rule they did not follow today!?" Ms. Daphne spoke sternly and angrily. I didn't like her at all. Everyone knew she was secretly know what with the principal, not to mention she sniffed chalk during class.
All of the sudden, the class's whole attention was on us.
"When the bell rings, you mustn't be late for class." They all sounded so brainwashed and miserable.
"So? SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN." Ms. Daphne yelled. We ran to our seats and began working.

         15 MINUTES LATER.....(TW: hinting at cruelty and may be a sensitive topic for some)

*Ding ding ding*
"Good morning students and staff. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance."
The principal spoke over the Intercom. Just then, Everyone rose up and put their hands on their hearts.
"Ready, Begin."
He demanded. Everyone began to say the pledge of allegiance, except for one kid.
"Henry. On your feet."
Ms. Daphne demanded. He didn't respond. At this point most of the class was watching this scene, including Melanie and I.
"I'm being generous with you boy. Last chance to stand and show some respect."
Once more, he didn't respond. The pledge finished with, "Liberty and justice for all." To which Henry, the kid who didn't stand up replied,
"You hear that? Liberty and justice for all? That's bullshit."
Ms. Daphne's face burned with rage, and she called security on the him, despite his protests. We all had to sit back down to continue our work afterwards.

                             (End of  TW)

After that Melanie picked up a note and wrote on it.
"That was pretty scary. She didn't have to call security on him." I read.
"I wonder where they took him." I responded. "I hope he's okay."

5 minutes later...

"Y/N...what's 9+10....?" Melanie whispered to me.
"MEL. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHATS 9+10-" I, absolutely gobsmacked responded.
"It's 21...right?" She asked. We then had a very long conversation on why it is absolutely not 21. After we had a long conversation, I heard a paper hit the desk. I looked over to see Melanie holding her head, and a piece of pink crumbled paper on her desk. Melanie rolled her eyes in the most annoyed way possible, as she picked up the crumbled up note while looking at Kelly dramatically and glaring at her. Melanie turned to read the note, and was holding back tears as she asked to go to the restroom. Once she left, I gave Kelly, who threw the note a nasty glare. Ms. Daphne had to run out of the room because she had a bloody nose. Since no one was there to supervise, I ran after Melanie.

EXCUSE ME HOES, it's come to my attention that nobody in these comments remembers vines and they don't get the joke from the old vine "what's 9+10? 21!!!" So, please educate yourselves uncultured people.😔🫶 LMAO love you guys!!💗💗

"This is K-12." (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now